And the round notes flutter and tap about the room, And hit against each other, Blurring to unexpe...
As much as his thin purse could bear. As rapt-souled monks watch over the baking Of the sacred waf...
Only when the candle was lit And on the wall just opposite He watched again the coming of IT, Cou...
Until heavy with years. And that is why There hangs in the convent church a basket Of osiered silv...
With eyes dilated. Her face was quiet and innocent, And beautiful with her strange assent. A silv...
in his coat of fur, and holds out his hands to the withering flame. She is always the same, a sweet...
Round and round! One! Two! Three! And his sin Is red like his tongue lolling warm. One! Two! Three...
Sardonic devil's jest has bid us live Two years together in a puff of smoke? It was no dream, I sw...
Had disappeared behind the garden trees. The evening poured on them its benison, And flower-scents...
Kurler has kissed Christine, and now he is away. 24 Christine stood rigid like a frozen stone, He...
The pungent smoke deep to his grateful lung. It curled all blue throughout the cave and flew Into ...
Gazing at his Beloved. His eyes are wet and urgent, And his body is taut and shaking. It is cold ...
The old man saw it in the sun's bright stare And the colours started up through the crust, And he ...
I dwell impearled. You blazon me with jewelled insignia. A flaming nebula Rims in my life. And ye...
And this is an alien city. Astigmatism To Ezra Pound With much friendship and admiration and some...