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Episode 67: A call from Poland

Tim: Hey Helen, guess who just called?
Helen: Oh no, was it Michal?
Tim: Yes, you just missed him!
Helen: Oh, no!
Tim: He said to send you his love. Why don't you call him back?
Helen: No. He said he needed some space, so I've got to give him some space. But I wish I'd been here when he called. What else did he say?
Tim: Oh, he sounded well, he's working hard, his dad's a bit better, nothing much really.
Helen: I really miss him.
Tim: You need to get out and about you know.
Helen: I suppose so. Shall we all go and see a movie tonight?
Tim: I'd be up for it, but I think Alice has gone out with Paul, to some sort of art exhibition, I think.
Helen: Again? That's interesting. I think those two might be getting serious...

Vocabulary: 字汇

those two might be getting serious 他们两人可能是来真的噢
when a romanticrelationship gets serious, the two people feel committed to each other and begin to think about the possibility of a long-term relationship.

I'd be up for that 算我一份
I'd like to do that (especially when talking about a group arrangement)
