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Episode 99: Girl Talk

Alice: It's only me. Can I come in?
Helen: Yes but don't look at me. I'm a mess.
Alice: Helen, you've been crying. What's wrong?
Helen: I've just had some really bad news from Michal. He's fallen in love with someone else and doesn't want me to contact him ever again.
Alice: Oh, you poor thing.
Helen: I mean it wasn't as if I didn't see it coming. But still it's a shock to see it all down in black and white.
Alice: That's awful.
Helen: But you know what the worst thing is? Poor Tim got the brunt of it all. He just wanted to have a chat with me and I completely went off on one. Alice?

Vocabulary 词汇

a mess (混乱;一团糟;肮脏)
dirty or untidy

I didn't see it coming (我没料到会这样)
I didn't realise this was going to happen. It wasn't obvious to me

to see it down in black and white (看到白纸黑字的印刷品)
to read something written in a letter, book, newspaper etc.

the brunt of it (主要力量;压力)
the main force of something unpleasant

I went off on one (非正式用语:我非常气愤,并因此发火。)
I became very angry and lost my temper
