

  Frances Guo 在一家合资培训公司的北京办事处工作。我们在 Frances Guo 的办公室采访了她,就她的业务和她在工作中使用英语方面问了一些问题。在本页,我们来听一下她对公司的介绍。
  注意,Frances 和 Francis 拼写不同,只一个字母之差,即 'e' 和 'i'。 有 'e'的这个单词是女孩子的名字,但是有 'i' 的这个单词是男孩子的名字。两个单词读音相同。
Listen to Frances Guo talk about the company she works for. While you are listening, try to find the answer to the questions.

What kind of business does the parent company of Frances' company carry out?

  Working for a multinational company
  Listen first and then read the transcript

Where did the company start and who started it?

  Company beginnings
  Listen first and then read the transcript

What famous movie studios does the company own?

  Range of activities
  Listen first and then read the transcript

What is the core business of the company she works for ?

  Worldwide Learning
  Listen first and then read the transcript
