

  2004年圣诞将至,随我们重温去年圣诞老人的风采。本期我们的特邀嘉宾是来自瑞典的真正的圣诞老人。此次访问由斯堪第纳维亚航空公司(SAS)和北京丽都假日饭店提供赞助。他就是乘坐 SAS 的飞机来到北京的,并下榻在丽都假日饭店。

If you thought that Santa Claus lived in Lapland, that he travelled on a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer, and that he climbed down chimneys to deliver Christmas presents to good boys and girls, then think again!

The Real Santa Claus is from Sweden, he travels by jet, and in2english has met him!

The kindly old gentleman flew to Beijing by Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), and stayed at the hotel that he likes to call his 'second home'.

Read, listen to and watch our report about this event, and meet the man who spends 365 days of every year as the Real Santa Claus, bringing Christmas peace and happiness wherever he goes.

It's the beginning of December and things are looking very festive at the Holiday Inn Lido Beijing.

The Christmas tree has been decorated, the Christmas lights have been hung, and everyone's waiting for a very special event.

Mums and dads, boys and girls, and members of the in2english team have gathered to say a big 'Hello!' to the Real Santa Claus.
  Watch our video report about Santa'sarrival at the Holiday Inn Lido Beijing.(for dial-up users)
  Watch our video report about Santa'sarrival at the Holiday Inn Lido Beijing.(for broad band users)
  Read a transcript of that video report.
  Listen to Santa greeting his friends at the Holiday Inn Lido Beijing.
  Read what Santa says.
Take a look at the glossary below. Then find out more about the Real Santa Claus in our Business Profile Interview.
Lapland 拉普兰(属于北欧的挪威、瑞典和芬兰的地区,圣诞老人住在芬兰的拉普兰地区)
sleigh (n.) 雪橇
reindeer (n.) (pl. = reindeer) 驯鹿
chimney (n.) 烟囱
kindly (here = adj.) 慈爱的
festive (adj.) 喜庆的
Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕(即12月24日)
at the foot of your bed 在床尾
