

The discovery that the universe's expansion is accelerating came from observations of far-off supernovae in the 1990s, and was deemed worthy of the latest Nobel prize in physics.


It has left theorists scratching their heads as to what causes it. The leading candidate is a "dark energy" that emanates from the quantum vacuum, and somehow manages to trump the steadying force of gravity. Other suggestions are that the effect is an illusion born of where we are sitting in the cosmos - or simply that gravity itself is weakened on large cosmic scales.


This last explanation has a big hurdle to overcome. Our current theory of gravity, Einstein's general theory of relativity, says that the force works in the same way everywhere. Its predictions have been confirmed on scales up to that of the solar system, which is as far as we have roamed to test it.


Galileons provide a neat workaround. They are the quantum particles associated with a field that is hypothesised to weaken gravity. Like the related "chameleon" particles, their influence is screened by the presence of matter. In a region of relatively high density, such as our solar system, their weakening effect is imperceptible, kicking in only over vast, emptier swathes of the cosmos - thus explaining the supernova observations.


It's a nice idea, but is it true? The answer depends on finding testable effects that we might use to prove the existence of the particles, says theorist Mark Trodden of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. "We are trying very hard to work out what they might be."

这是一个不错的主意,但它是对的吗?问题的答案取决于找到能够测试的效果,让我们能够证实它的存在,费城宾夕法尼亚大学的理论物理学家Mark Trodden说。"我们非常努力的研究它们可能是什么。"
