Physicist Rocky Kolb was doing his grocery shopping in Warrenville, Illinois, one day, and wondering what he should call the dark-matter particle he and his colleagues had just invented. A movie poster on a passing bus provided the answer. It was 1998 and the Godzilla remake had just been released. The wimpzilla was born.
物理学家Rocky Kolb在伊利诺斯州的Warrenville的超市购物,他在想给他和他的同事们刚刚发明的暗物质粒子模型取个名字。旁边路过的公交车上的一部电影的海报提供了答案。这是1998年,哥斯拉(Godzilla)翻拍刚刚上映。于是诞生了Wimpzilla。
No one knows what dark matter is made of: we just know that 80 per cent of universe's matter is invisible to our telescopes. Weakly-interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, are a popular idea. Between 10 and 100 times as weighty as protons, they would have been produced in the universe's hot primordial soup and corralled by gravity to seed today's galaxies.
没有人知道暗物质是什么:我们只知道在我们的望远镜里,80%以上的宇宙物质是不可见的。弱相互作用重粒子,Weakly-interacting massive particles或WIMP,是一个流行的想法。它们比质子重10倍到100倍,会在宇宙原始热遗迹中产生,并通过引力播下今天的星系结构的种子。
But that is not the only possibility. Within the universe's first second, during the period of inflation (see "Inflatons"), the expansion of space itself ripped particles out of the vacuum. Kolb and his colleagues calculated that among them could have been dark particles weighing a billion times more than a WIMP.
Their monstrous mass means wimpzillas would be exceedingly rare. They can't be made in particle accelerators and are unlikely to amble into one of the myriadunderground detectors looking for WIMPs. "They are possibly the most elusive dark-matter particles ever proposed," concedes Kolb.
They might still leave subtle features in the cosmic microwave background radiation, the big bang's afterglow that suffuses the sky. If we find any trace, for example in the detailed maps of the cosmic background expected from the European Space Agency's Planck satellite, "then after 10,000 years of thinking about it, we'll know what the universe is made of", says Kolb. Such are the grand prizes that can come from inventing new particles.