

Particle physicists are generally a sober bunch. The same is not always true of their particles.


Winos pop up in supersymmetry, the grand theoretical construction that is favoured to subsume the standard model. Supersymmetry patches some of the standard model's structural weaknesses by suggesting that each known particle has an as-yet-undiscovered, generally heavier partner.


Fermions, for example, are a class of standard-model particle that embrace the building blocks of matter - electrons and quarks - and their ghostly neutrino relatives (see diagram). In supersymmetry, they all have "sfermion" cousins: selectrons, sneutrinos and the parrot-like squarks. The other main group of standard-model particles, the force-transmitting bosons, have "-ino" partners: photinos for photons, gluinos for gluons, and so on. Hence the Winos: they are partners of the W bosons, particles that transmit the weak nuclear force.

例如,费米子——电子和夸克——还有它们幽灵般的亲戚中微子,是一类作为物质构成的积木的标准模型粒子。在超对称中,它们都具有表兄弟"(英语前加s- 的)超费米子sfermion":超电子selectrons,超中微子sneutrinos和鹦鹉一样的超夸克squarks。其他主要的标准模型的粒子,传递相互作用力的玻色子,有命名方式为"(英语后加-ino的)微子"的伙伴:光微子photinos,胶微子gluinos,等等。因此W微子是W 玻色子的超对称伙伴,W玻色子自身则是传递弱相互作用力的粒子。

According to supersymmetry, all sfermions are bosons and all "bosinos" are fermions. If this all sounds rather confusing, don't worry: the LHC has yet to turn up the expected haul of supersymmetric particles. For many particle physicists and cosmologists a lack of Winos and the like would be a serious headache, as supersymmetric particles provide a ready recipe for the obscure dark matter that binds galaxies together (see "Wimpzilla").

根据超对称,所有的超费米子是玻色子,而所有"玻色微子"是费米子。如果这一切听起来相当混乱,不用担心:大型强子对撞机目前还没有发现这些超对称粒子。对于许多粒子物理学家和宇宙学家来说,缺乏W微子和类似的粒子将是一个严重的问题,因为超对称粒子对把星系结合在一起的暗物质(请参阅 "Wimpzilla")提供了一个现成的配方。
