
men carrying something. 'What is that?' 'A dead man.' 'What does*dead* mean?' asked the prince. He was told that to become dead

means to become like that man. The prince approached the corpse,uncovered it, and looked at it. 'What will happen to him now?'

asked the prince. He was told that the corpse would be buried inthe ground. 'Why?' 'Because he will certainly not return to life,

and will only produce a stench and worms.' 'And is that the fateof all men? Will the same thing happen to me? Will they bury me,

and shall I cause a stench and be eaten by worms?' 'Yes.' 'Home! I shall not drive out for pleasure, and never will so drive out

again!' And Sakya Muni could find no consolation in life, and decided

that life is the greatest of evils; and he devoted all the strengthof his soul to free himself from it, and to free others; and to do

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