
insatiable hands. Wherever Mme de Langeais went, M. de

Montriveau was certain to be seen, till people jokingly called

him "Her Grace's orderly." And already he had made enemies;

others were jealous, and envied him his position. Mme de

Langeais had attained her end. The Marquis de Montriveau was

among her numerous train of adorers, and a means of humiliating

those who boasted of their progress in her good graces, for she

publicly gave him preference over them all.

"Decidedly, M. de Montriveau is the man for whom the Duchess

shows a preference," pronounced Mme de Serizy.

And who in Paris does not know what it means when a woman "shows

a preference?" All went on therefore according to prescribed

rule. The anecdotes which people were pleased to circulate

concerning the General put that warrior in so formidable a light,

that the more adroit quietly dropped their pretensions to the

Duchess, and remained in her train merely to turn the position to

account, and to use her name and personality to make better terms

for themselves with certain stars of the second magnitude. And

those lesser powers were delighted to take a lover away from Mme

de Langeais. The Duchess was keen-sighted enough to see these

desertions and treaties with the enemy; and her pride would not

suffer her to be the dupe of them. As M. de Talleyrand, one of

her great admirers, said, she knew how to take a second edition

of revenge, laying the two-edged blade of a sarcasm between the

pairs in these "morganatic" unions. Her mocking disdain

contributed not a little to increase her reputation as an

extremely clever woman and a person to be feared. Her character

for virtue was consolidated while she amused herself with other

people's secrets, and kept her own to herself. Yet, after two

months of assiduities, she saw with a vague dread in the depths

of her soul that M. de Montriveau understood nothing of the

subtleties of flirtation after the manner of the Faubourg

Saint-Germain; he was taking a Parisienne's coquetry in earnest.

"You will not tame HIM, dear Duchess," the old Vidame de

Pamiers had said. " 'Tis a first cousin to the eagle; he will

carry you off to his eyrie if you do not take care."

Then Mme de Langeais felt afraid. The shrewd old noble's words

sounded like a prophecy. The next day she tried to turn love to

hate. She was harsh, exacting, irritable, unbearable; Montriveau

disarmed her with angelicsweetness. She so little knew the

great generosity of a large nature, that the kindly jests with

which her first complaints were met went to her heart. She

sought a quarrel, and found proofs of affection. She persisted.

"When a man idolises you, how can he have vexed you?" asked


"You do not vex me," she answered, suddenly grown gentle and

submissive. "But why do you wish to compromise me? For me you

ought to be nothing but a FRIEND. Do you not know it? I wish I

could see that you had the instincts, the delicacy of real

friendship, so that I might lose neither your respect nor the

pleasure that your presence gives me."

"Nothing but your FRIEND!" he cried out. The terrible word

sent an electric shock through his brain. "On the faith of

these happy hours that you grant me, I sleep and wake in your

heart. And now today, for no reason, you are pleased to destroy

all the secret hopes by which I live. You have required promises

of such constancy in me, you have said so much of your horror of

women made up of nothing but caprice; and now do you wish me to

understand that, like other women here in Paris, you have

passions, and know nothing of love? If so, why did you ask my

life of me? why did you accept it?"

"I was wrong, my friend. Oh, it is wrong of a woman to yield to

such intoxication when she must not and cannot make any return."

"I understand. You have merely been coquetting with me,


"Coquetting?" she repeated. "I detest coquetry. A coquette

Armand, makes promises to many, and gives herself to none; and a

woman who keeps such promises is a libertine. This much I

believed I had grasped of our code. But to be melancholy with

humorists, gay with the frivolous, and politic with ambitious

souls; to listen to a babbler with every appearance of

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