
other years amid harmonious surroundings of refinedluxury, the

voice of a queen of fashion in Paris. Such words from the lips

that once spoke so lightly and flippantly struck the General dumb

with amazement.

"The Holy Mother only speaks Latin and Spanish," she added.

"I understand neither. Dear Antoinette, make my excuses to


The light fell full upon the nun's figure; a thrill of deep

emotion betrayed itself in a faint quiver of her veil as she

heard her name softlyspoken by the man who had been so hard in

the past.

"My brother," she said, drawing her sleeve under her veil,

perhaps to brush tears away, "I am Sister Theresa."

Then, turning to the Superior, she spoke in Spanish; the General

knew enough of the language to understand what she said perfectly

well; possibly he could have spoken it had he chosen to do so.

"Dear Mother, the gentleman presents his respects to you, and

begs you to pardon him if he cannot pay them himself, but he

knows neither of the languages which you speak----"

The aged nun bent her head slowly, with an expression of angelic

sweetness, enhanced at the same time by the consciousness of her

power and dignity.

"Do you know this gentleman?" she asked, with a keen glance.

"Yes, Mother."

"Go back to your cell, my daughter!" said the Mother

imperiously. The General slipped aside behind the curtain lest

the dreadfultumult within him should appear in his face; even in

the shadow it seemed to him that he could still see the

Superior's piercing eyes. He was afraid of her; she held his

little, frail, hardly-won happiness in her hands; and he, who had

never quailed under a triple row of guns, now trembled before

this nun. The Duchess went towards the door, but she turned


"Mother," she said, with dreadfulcalmness, "the Frenchman is

one of my brothers."

"Then stay, my daughter," said the Superior, after a pause.

The piece of admirable Jesuitry told of such love and regret,

that a man less strongly constituted might have broken down under

the keen delight in the midst of a great and, for him, an

entirely novel peril. Oh! how precious words, looks, and

gestures became when love must baffle lynx eyes and tiger's

claws! Sister Theresa came back.

"You see, my brother, what I have dared to do only to speak to

you for a moment of your salvation and of the prayers that my

soul puts up for your soul daily. I am committing mortal sin. I

have told a lie. How many days of penance must expiate that lie!

But I shall endure it for your sake. My brother, you do not know

what happiness it is to love in heaven; to feel that you can

confess love purified by religion, love transported into the

highest heights of all, so that we are permitted to lose sight of

all but the soul. If the doctrine and the spirit of the Saint to

whom we owe this refuge had not raised me above earth's anguish,

and caught me up and set me, far indeed beneath the Sphere

wherein she dwells, yet truly above this world, I should not have

seen you again. But now I can see you, and hear your voice, and

remain calm----"

The General broke in, "But, Antoinette, let me see you, you whom

I love passionately, desperately, as you could have wished me to

love you."

"Do not call me Antoinette, I implore you. Memories of the past

hurt me. You must see no one here but Sister Theresa, a creature

who trusts in the Divine mercy." She paused for a little, and

then added, "You must control yourself, my brother. Our Mother

would separate us without pity if there is any worldlypassion in

your face, or if you allow the tears to fall from your eyes."

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