
you seem light; and now, my fortune, my whole life, is to vanish

in smoke! I should die raving mad if I believed a word of it. By

all that's holiest in heaven and earth, we will have this cleared

up at once; go through the books, have the whole business looked

thoroughly into! I will not sleep, nor rest, nor eat until I have

satisfied myself that all your fortune is in existence. Your

money is settled upon you, God be thanked! and, luckily, your

attorney, Maitre Derville, is an honest man. Good Lord! you shall

have your snug little million, your fifty thousand francs a year,

as long as you live, or I will raise a racket in Paris, I will

so! If the Tribunals put upon us, I will appeal to the Chambers.

If I knew that you were well and comfortably off as far as money

is concerned, that thought would keep me easy in spite of bad

health and troubles. Money? why, it is life! Money does

everything. That great dolt of an Alsatian shall sing to another

tune! Look here, Delphine, don't give way, don't make a

concession of half a quarter of a farthing to that fathead, who

has ground you down and made you miserable. If he can't do

without you, we will give him a good cudgeling, and keep him in

order. Great heavens! my brain is on fire; it is as if there were

something redhot inside my head. My Delphine lying on straw! You!

my Fifine! Good gracious! Where are my gloves? Come, let us go at

once; I mean to see everything with my own eyes--books, cash, and

correspondence, the whole business. I shall have no peace until I

know for certain that your fortune is secure."

"Oh! father dear, be careful how you set about it! If there is

the least hint of vengeance in the business, if you show yourself

openly hostile, it will be all over with me. He knows whom he has

to deal with; he thinks it quite natural that if you put the idea

into my head, I should be uneasy about my money; but I swear to

you that he has it in his own hands, and that he had meant to

keep it. He is just the man to abscond with all the money and

leave us in the lurch, the scoundrel! He knows quite well that I

will not dishonor the name I bear by bringing him into a court of

law. His position is strong and weak at the same time. If we

drive him to despair, I am lost."

"Why, then, the man is a rogue?"

"Well, yes, father," she said, flinging herself into a chair, "I

wanted to keep it from you to spare your feelings," and she burst

into tears; "I did not want you to know that you had married me

to such a man as he is. He is just the same in private life--body

and soul and conscience--the same through and through--hideous! I

hate him; I despise him! Yes, after all that that despicable

Nucingen has told me, I cannot respect him any longer. A man

capable of mixing himself up in such affairs, and of talking

about them to me as he did, without the slightest scruple,--it is

because I have read him through and through that I am afraid of

him. He, my husband, frankly proposed to give me my liberty, and

do you know what that means? It means that if things turn out

badly for him, I am to play into his hands, and be his stalking-


"But there is law to be had! There is a Place de Greve for sons-

in-law of that sort," cried her father; "why, I would guillotine

him myself if there was no headsman to do it."

"No, father, the law cannot touch him. Listen, this is what he

says, stripped of all his circumlocutions--'Take your choice, you

and no one else can be my accomplice; either everything is lost,

you are ruined and have not a farthing, or you will let me carry

this business through myself.' Is that plain speaking? He MUST

have my assistance. He is assured that his wife will deal fairly

by him; he knows that I shall leave his money to him and be

content with my own. It is an unholy and dishonestcompact, and

he holds out threats of ruin to compel me to consent to it. He is

buying my conscience, and the price is liberty to be Eugene's

wife in all but name. 'I connive at your errors, and you allow me

to commit crimes and ruin poor families!' Is that sufficiently

explicit? Do you know what he means by speculations? He buys up

land in his own name, then he finds men of straw to run up houses

upon it. These men make a bargain with a contractor to build the

houses, paying them by bills at long dates; then in consideration

of a small sum they leave my husband in possession of the houses,

and finally slip through the fingers of the deluded contractors

by going into bankruptcy. The name of the firm of Nucingen has

been used to dazzle the poor contractors. I saw that. I noticed,

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