

news of young Taillefer's duel. They were anxious to hear any

detail about the affair, and to talk over the probable change in

Victorine's prospects. Father Goriot alone was absent, but the

rest were chatting. No sooner did Eugene come into the room, than

his eyes met the inscrutable gaze of Vautrin. It was the same

look that had read his thoughts before--the look that had such

power to waken evil thoughts in his heart. He shuddered.

"Well, dear boy," said the escaped convict, "I am likely to cheat

death for a good while yet. According to these ladies, I have had

a stroke that would have felled an ox, and come off with flying


"A bull you might say," cried the widow.

"You really might be sorry to see me still alive," said Vautrin

in Rastignac's ear, thinking that he guessed the student's

thoughts. "You must be mighty sure of yourself."

"Mlle. Michonneau was talking the day before yesterday about a

gentleman named Trompe-la-Mort," said Bianchon; "and, upon my

word, that name would do very well for you."

Vautrin seemed thunderstruck. He turned pale, and staggered back.

He turned his magnetic glance, like a ray of vivid light, on

Mlle. Michonneau; the old maid shrank and trembled under the

influence of that strong will, and collapsed into a chair. The

mask of good-nature had dropped from the convict's face; from the

unmistakable ferocity of that sinister look, Poiret felt that the

old maid was in danger, and hastily stepped between them. None of

the lodgers understood this scene in the least, they looked on in

mute amazement. There was a pause. Just then there was a sound of

tramping feet outside; there were soldiers there, it seemed, for

there was a ring of several rifles on the pavement of the street.

Collin was mechanically looking round the walls for a way of

escape, when four men entered by way of the sitting-room.

"In the name of the King and the Law!" said an officer, but the

words were almost lost in a murmur of astonishment.

Silence fell on the room. The lodgers made way for three of the

men, who had each a hand on a cocked pistol in a side pocket. Two

policemen, who followed the detectives, kept the entrance to the

sitting-room, and two more men appeared in the doorway that gave

access to the staircase. A sound of footsteps came from the

garden, and again the rifles of several soldiers rang on the

cobblestones under the window. All chance of salvation by flight

was cut off for Trompe-la-Mort, to whom all eyes instinctively

turned. The chief walked straight up to him, and commenced

operations by giving him a sharp blow on the head, so that the

wig fell off, and Collin's face was revealed in all its ugliness.

There was a terrible suggestion of strength mingled with cunning

in the short, brick-red crop of hair, the whole head was in

harmony with his powerful frame, and at that moment the fires of

hell seemed to gleam from his eyes. In that flash the real

Vautrin shone forth, revealed at once before them all; they

understood his past, his present, and future, his pitiless

doctrines, his actions, the religion of his own good pleasure,

the majesty with which his cynicism and contempt for mankind

invested him, the physical strength of an organization proof

against all trials. The blood flew to his face, and his eyes

glared like the eyes of a wild cat. He started back with savage

energy and a fierce growl that drew exclamations of alarm from

the lodgers. At that leonine start the police caught at their

pistols under cover of the general clamor. Collin saw the

gleaming muzzles of the weapons, saw his danger, and instantly

gave proof of a power of the highest order. There was something

horrible and majestic in the spectacle of the sudden

transformation in his face; he could only be compared to a

cauldron full of the steam that can send mountains flying, a

terrific force dispelled in a moment by a drop of cold water. The

drop of water that cooled his wrathful fury was a reflection that

flashed across his brain like lightning. He began to smile, and

looked down at his wig.

"You are not in the politest of humors to-day," he remarked to

the chief, and he held out his hands to the policemen with a jerk

of his head.

"Gentlemen," he said, "put on the bracelets or the handcuffs. I

call on those present to witness that I make no resistance."

A murmur of admiration ran through the room at the sudden

outpouring like fire and lava flood from this human volcano, and

its equally sudden cessation.

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