

for her too, for I have no reason to hate her neither; but I believe

I shall lead her a damned sort of a life.
MRS FORE. He's better than no husband at all--though he's a

coxcomb. [To FRAIL.]
MRS FRAIL [to her]. Ay, ay, it's well it's no worse.--Nay, for my

part I always despised Mr Tattle of all things; nothing but his
being my husband could have made me like him less.

TATT. Look you there, I thought as much. Pox on't, I wish we could
keep it secret; why, I don't believe any of this company would speak

of it.
MRS FRAIL. But, my dear, that's impossible: the parson and that

rogue Jeremy will publish it.
TATT. Ay, my dear, so they will, as you say.

ANG. Oh, you'll agree very well in a little time; custom will make
it easy to you.

TATT. Easy! Pox on't, I don't believe I shall sleep to-night.
SIR SAMP. Sleep, quotha! No; why, you would not sleep o' your

wedding-night? I'm an older fellow than you, and don't mean to

BEN. Why, there's another match now, as thof a couple of privateers
were looking for a prize and should fall foul of one another. I'm

sorry for the young man with all my heart. Look you, friend, if I
may advise you, when she's going--for that you must expect, I have

experience of her--when she's going, let her go. For no matrimony
is tough enough to hold her; and if she can't drag her anchor along

with her, she'll break her cable, I can tell you that. Who's here?
The madman?

SCENE the Last.

VAL. No; here's the fool, and if occasion be, I'll give it under my

SIR SAMP. How now?

VAL. Sir, I'm come to acknowledge my errors, and ask your pardon.
SIR SAMP. What, have you found your senses at last then? In good

time, sir.
VAL. You were abused, sir: I never was distracted.

FORE. How! Not mad! Mr Scandal -
SCAN. No, really, sir. I'm his witness; it was all counterfeit.

VAL. I thought I had reasons--but it was a poor contrivance, the
effect has shown it such.

SIR SAMP. Contrivance! What, to cheat me? to cheat your father?
Sirrah, could you hope to prosper?

VAL. Indeed, I thought, sir, when the father endeavoured to undo
the son, it was a reasonable return of nature.

SIR SAMP. Very good, sir. Mr Buckram, are you ready? Come, sir,
will you sign and seal?

VAL. If you please, sir; but first I would ask this lady one

SIR SAMP. Sir, you must ask me leave first. That lady? No, sir,
you shall ask that lady no questions till you have asked her

blessing, sir: that lady is to be my wife.
VAL. I have heard as much, sir; but I would have it from her own

SIR SAMP. That's as much as to say I lie, sir, and you don't

believe what I say.
VAL. Pardon me, sir. But I reflect that I very lately

counterfeited madness; I don't know but the frolic may go round.
SIR SAMP. Come, chuck, satisfy him, answer him. Come, come, Mr

Buckram, the pen and ink.
BUCK. Here it is, sir, with the deed; all is ready. [VALENTINE

goes to ANGELICA.]
ANG. 'Tis true, you have a great while pretended love to me; nay,

what if you were sincere? Still you must pardon me if I think my
own inclinations have a better right to dispose of my person than

SIR SAMP. Are you answered now, sir?

VAL. Yes, sir.
SIR SAMP. Where's your plot, sir? and your contrivance now, sir?

Will you sign, sir? Come, will you sign and seal?
VAL. With all my heart, sir.

SCAN. 'Sdeath, you are not mad indeed, to ruin yourself?
VAL. I have been disappointed of my only hope, and he that loses

hope may part with anything. I never valued fortune but as it was
subservient to my pleasure, and my only pleasure was to please this

lady. I have made many vain attempts, and find at last that nothing
but my ruin can effect it; which, for that reason, I will sign to--

give me the paper.
ANG. Generous Valentine! [Aside.]

BUCK. Here is the deed, sir.
VAL. But where is the bond by which I am obliged to sign this?

BUCK. Sir Sampson, you have it.
ANG. No, I have it, and I'll use it as I would everything that is

an enemy to Valentine. [Tears the paper.]
SIR SAMP. How now?

VAL. Ha!
ANG. Had I the world to give you, it could not make me worthy of so

generous and faithful a passion. Here's my hand: --my heart was
always yours, and struggled very hard to make this utmost trial of

your virtue. [To VALENTINE.]
VAL. Between pleasure and amazement I am lost. But on my knees I

take the blessing.
SIR SAMP. Oons, what is the meaning of this?

BEN. Mess, here's the wind changed again. Father, you and I may
make a voyage together now.

ANG. Well, Sir Sampson, since I have played you a trick, I'll
advise you how you may avoid such another. Learn to be a good

father, or you'll never get a second wife. I always loved your son,
and hated your unforgiving nature. I was resolved to try him to the

utmost; I have tried you too, and know you both. You have not more
faults than he has virtues, and 'tis hardly more pleasure to me that

I can make him and myself happy than that I can punish you.
VAL. If my happiness could receive addition, this kind surprise

would make it double.
SIR SAMP. Oons, you're a crocodile.

FORE. Really, Sir Sampson, this is a sudden eclipse.
SIR SAMP. You're an illiterate old fool, and I'm another.

TATT. If the gentleman is in disorder for want of a wife, I can
spare him mine.--Oh, are you there, sir? I'm indebted to you for my

happiness. [To JEREMY.]
JERE. Sir, I ask you ten thousand pardons: 'twas an errant

mistake. You see, sir, my master was never mad, nor anything like
it. Then how could it be otherwise?

VAL. Tattle, I thank you; you would have interposed between me and
heaven, but Providence laid purgatory in your way. You have but

SCAN. I hear the fiddles that Sir Sampson provided for his own

wedding; methinks 'tis pity they should not be employed when the
match is so much mended. Valentine, though it be morning, we may

have a dance.
VAL. Anything, my friend, everything that looks like joy and

SCAN. Call 'em, Jeremy.

ANG. I have done dissembling now, Valentine; and if that coldness
which I have always worn before you should turn to an extreme

fondness, you must not suspect it.
VAL. I'll prevent that suspicion: for I intend to dote to that

immoderate degree that your fondness shall never distinguish itself
enough to be taken notice of. If ever you seem to love too much, it

must be only when I can't love enough.
ANG. Have a care of promises; you know you are apt to run more in

debt than you are able to pay.
VAL. Therefore I yield my body as your prisoner, and make your best

SCAN. The music stays for you. [Dance.]

SCAN. Well, madam, you have done exemplary justice in punishing an
inhuman father and rewarding a faithful lover. But there is a third

good work which I, in particular, must thank you for: I was an
infidel to your sex, and you have converted me. For now I am

convinced that all women are not like fortune, blind in bestowing
favours, either on those who do not merit or who do not want 'em.

ANG. 'Tis an unreasonableaccusation that you lay upon our sex:
you tax us with injustice, only to cover your own want of merit.

You would all have the reward of love, but few have the constancy to
stay till it becomes your due. Men are generally hypocrites and

infidels: they pretend to worship, but have neither zeal nor faith.
How few, like Valentine, would persevere even to martyrdom, and

sacrifice their interest to their constancy! In admiring me, you
misplace the novelty.

The miracle to-day is, that we find
A lover true; not that a woman's kind.


