expression both in words and gestures. Love, anger, and
indignation shone through him and broke forth in imagery, like what
we read of Southern races. For all these
emotional extremes, and
in spite of the
melancholy ground of his
character, he had upon the
whole a happy life; nor was he less
fortunate in his death, which
at the last came to him unaware.
Sir, we had a good talk. - JOHNSON.
As we must
account for every idle word, so we must for every idle
silence. - FRANKLIN.
THERE can be no fairer
ambition than to excel in talk; to be
affable, gay, ready, clear and
welcome; to have a fact, a thought,
or an
illustration, pat to every subject; and not only to cheer the
flight of time among our intimates, but bear our part in that great
international congress, always sitting, where public wrongs are
first declared, public errors first corrected, and the course of
public opinion shaped, day by day, a little nearer to the right.
measure comes before Parliament but it has been long ago
prepared by the grand jury of the
talkers; no book is written that
has not been largely
composed by their
assistance. Literature in
many of its branches is no other than the shadow of good talk; but
imitation falls far short of the original in life, freedom and
effect. There are always two to a talk, giving and taking,
comparing experience and according
conclusions. Talk is fluid,
continually" target="_blank" title="ad.不断地,频繁地">
continually "in further search and progress"; while
written words remain fixed, become idols even to the
writer, found
wooden dogmatisms, and
preserve flies of
obvious error in the amber
of the truth. Last and chief, while
literature, gagged with
linsey-woolsey, can only deal with a
fraction of the life of man,
talk goes fancy free and may call a spade a spade. Talk has none
of the freezing immunities of the
pulpit. It cannot, even if it
would, become merely aesthetic or merely
classical like
A jest intervenes, the
solemn humbug is dissolved in
laughter, and
speech runs forth out of the
contemporarygroove into the open
fields of nature,
cheery and cheering, like schoolboys out of
school. And it is in talk alone that we can learn our period and
ourselves. In short, the first duty of a man is to speak; that is
his chief business in this world; and talk, which is the harmonious
speech of two or more, is by far the most
accessible of pleasures.
It costs nothing in money; it is all profit; it completes our
education, founds and fosters our friendships, and can be enjoyed
at any age and in almost any state of health.
The spice of life is battle; the friendliest relations are still a
kind of
contest; and if we would not forego all that is
valuable in
our lot, we must
continually" target="_blank" title="ad.不断地,频繁地">
continually face some other person, eye to eye,
wrestle a fall whether in love or
enmity. It is still by force
of body, or power of
character or
intellect, that we
attain to
worthy pleasures. Men and women
contend for each other in the
lists of love, like rival mesmerists; the active and adroit decide
their challenges in the sports of the body; and the sedentary sit
down to chess or conversation. All
sluggish and
pacific pleasures
are, to the same degree,
solitary and
selfish; and every durable
band between human beings is founded in or
heightened by some
element of
competition. Now, the relation that has the least root
in matter is
undoubtedly that airy one of friendship; and hence, I
suppose, it is that good talk most
commonly arises among friends.
Talk is, indeed, both the scene and
instrument of friendship. It
is in talk alone that the friends can
measure strength, and enjoy
that amicable counter-assertion of
personality which is the gauge
of relations and the sport of life.
A good talk is not to be had for the asking. Humours must first be
accorded in a kind of overture or
prologue; hour, company and
circumstance be suited; and then, at a fit juncture, the subject,
quarry of two heated minds, spring up like a deer out of the
wood. Not that the
talker has any of the hunter's pride, though he
has all and more than all his
ardour. The
genuine artist follows
stream of conversation as an angler follows the windings of a
brook, not dallying where he fails to "kill." He trusts implicitly
hazard; and he is rewarded by
continualpleasure, and those changing prospects of the truth that are the
best of education. There is nothing in a subject, so called, that
we should regard it as an idol, or follow it beyond the promptings
of desire. Indeed, there are few subjects; and so far as they are
truly talkable, more than the half of them may be reduced to three:
that I am I, that you are you, and that there are other people
dimly understood to be not quite the same as either. Wherever talk
may range, it still runs half the time on these
eternal lines. The
theme being set, each plays on himself as on an
instrument; asserts
and justifies himself; ransacks his brain for
instances and
opinions, and brings them forth new-minted, to his own surprise and
admiration of his
adversary. All natural talk is a
festival of
ostentation; and by the laws of the game each accepts and fans the
vanity of the other. It is from that reason that we
venture to lay
ourselves so open, that we dare to be so warmly
eloquent, and that
we swell in each other's eyes to such a vast
proportion. For
talkers, once launched, begin to
overflow the limits of their
ordinary selves, tower up to the
height of their secret
pretensions, and give themselves out for the heroes, brave, pious,
musical and wise, that in their most shining moments they
aspire to
be. So they weave for themselves with words and for a while
inhabit a palace of delights,
temple at once and theatre, where
they fill the round of the world's dignities, and feast with the
gods, exulting in Kudos. And when the talk is over, each goes his
way, still flushed with
vanity and
admiration, still trailing
clouds of glory; each declines from the
height of his ideal orgie,
not in a moment, but by slow declension. I remember, in the
ENTR'ACTE of an afternoon
performance, coming forth into the
sunshine, in a beautiful green, gardened corner of a
romantic city;
and as I sat and smoked, the music moving in my blood, I seemed to
sit there and
evaporate THE FLYING DUTCHMAN (for it was that I had
been hearing) with a wonderful sense of life,
warmth, well-being
and pride; and the noises of the city, voices, bells and marching
feet, fell together in my ears like a symphonious
orchestra. In
the same way, the
excitement of a good talk lives for a long while
after in the blood, the heart still hot within you, the brain still
simmering, and the
physical earth swimming around you with the
colours of the sunset.
Natural talk, like ploughing, should turn up a large surface of
life, rather than dig mines into
geological strata. Masses of
incident, cross-lights,
quotation, historical
instances, the whole flotsam and jetsam of two minds forced in and
in upon the matter in hand from every point of the
compass, and
from every degree of
mentalelevation and abasement - these are the
material with which talk is fortified, the food on which the
thrive. Such
argument as is proper to the exercise should
still be brief and seizing. Talk should proceed by
instances; by
the apposite, not the expository. It should keep close along the
lines of
humanity, near the bosoms and businesses of men, at the
level where history,
fiction and experience intersect and
illuminate each other. I am I, and You are You, with all my heart;
conceive how these lean propositions change and
brighten when,
instead of words, the
actual you and I sit cheek by jowl, the
spirit housed in the live body, and the very clothes uttering
voices to corroborate the story in the face. Not less surprising
is the change when we leave off to speak of generalities - the bad,
the good, the miser, and all the
characters of Theophrastus - and
call up other men, by
anecdote or
instance, in their very trick and
feature; or trading on a common knowledge, toss each other famous
names, still glowing with the hues of life. Communication is no
longer by words, but by the instancing of whole biographies, epics,
systems of
philosophy, and epochs of history, in bulk. That which
is understood excels that which is
spoken in quantity and quality
alike; ideas thus figured and personified, change hands, as we may
say, like coin; and the speakers imply without effort the most
obscure and
intricate thoughts. Strangers who have a large common
ground of
reading will, for this reason, come the sooner to the
grapple of
genuineconverse. If they know Othello and Napoleon,
Consuelo and Clarissa Harlowe, Vautrin and Steenie Steenson, they
can leave generalities and begin at once to speak by figures.
Conduct and art are the two subjects that arise most frequently and
embrace the widest range of facts. A few pleasures bear
discussion for their own sake, but only those which are most social
or most radically human; and even these can only be discussed among
their devotees. A technicality is always
welcome to the expert,
whether in
athletics, art or law; I have heard the best kind of