

第二十一条 当事人申请仲裁应当符合下列条件:

Article 21 The parties applying for arbitration shall fulfil the following conditions:


1. they must have an arbitration agreement;


2. they must have a specific claim with facts and argument on which the claim is based;


and 3. the arbitration must be within the jurisdiction of the arbitrationcommission.

第二十二条 当事人申请仲裁,应当向仲裁委员会递交仲裁协议、仲裁申请书及副本。

Article 22 The party applying for arbitration shall submit to an arbitrationcommission the arbitration agreement, an application for arbitration and copies thereof.

第二十三条 仲裁申请书应当载明下列事项:

Article 23 An arbitration application shall state clearly the following:


1. the name, sex, age, occupation, work unit and address of the party, the name address and legal representative of the legal person or other organization and the name and position of its person-in charge;


2. the arbitration claim and the facts and argument on which the claim is based;


and 3. evidence and the source of evidence, the name and address of the witness (es).

第二十四条 仲裁委员会收到仲裁申请书之日起五日内,认为符合受理条件的,应当受理,并通知当事人;认为不符合受理条件的,应当书面通知当事人不予受理,并说明理由。

Article 24 Within 5 days from the date of receiving the arbitration application, the arbitrationcommission shall notify the parties that it considers the conditions for acceptance have been fulfilled, and that the application is accepted by it. If the arbitrationcommission considers that the conditions have not been fulfilled, it shall notify the parties in writing of its rejection, stating its reasons.

第二十五条 仲裁委员会受理仲裁申请后,应当在仲裁规则规定的期限内将仲裁规则和仲裁员名册送达申请人,并将仲裁申请书副本和仲裁规则、仲裁员名册送达被申请人。

Article 25 Upon acceptance of an arbitration application, the arbitrationcommission shall, within the time limit provided by the Arbitration Rules, serve a copy of the Arbitration Rules and the list of arbitrators on the applicant, and serve a copy of the arbitration application, the Arbitration Rules and the list of arbitrators on the respondent.


Upon receipt of a copy of the arbitration application, the respondent shall, within the time limit prescribed by the Arbitration Rules, submit its defence to the arbitrationcommission. Upon receipt of the defence, the arbitrationcommission shall, within the time limit prescribed by the Arbitration Rules, serve a copy of the reply on the applicant.


The failure of the respondent to submit a defence shall not affect the proceeding of the arbitrationprocedures.

第二十六条 当事人达成仲裁协议,一方向人民法院起诉未声明有仲裁协议,人民法院受理后,另一方在首次开庭前提交仲裁协议的,人民法院应当驳回起诉,但仲裁协议无效的除外;另一方在首次开庭前未对人民法院受理该案提出异议的,视为放弃仲裁协议,人民法院应当继续审理。

Article 26 Where the parties had agreed on an arbitration agreement, but one of the parties initiates an action before a people's court without stating the existence of the arbitration agreement, the people's court shall, unless the arbitration agreement is invalid, reject the action if the other party submits to the court the arbitration agreement before the first hearing of the case. If the other party fails to object to the hearing by the people's court before the first hearing, the arbitration agreement shall be considered to have been waived by the party and the people's court shall proceed with the hearing.

第二十七条 申请人可以放弃或者变更仲裁请求。被申请人可以承认或者反驳仲裁请求,有权提出反请求。

Article 27 The applicant may abandon or alter his arbitration claim. The respondent may accept the arbitration claim or object to it. It has a right to make a counterclaim.

第二十八条 一方当事人因另一方当事人的行为或者其他原因,可能使裁决不能执行或者难以执行的,可以申请财产保全。

Article 28 A party may apply for property preservation if, as the result of an act of the other party or for some other reasons, it appears that an award may be impossible or difficult to enforce.


If one of the parties applies for property preservation, the arbitrationcommission shall submit to a people's court the application of the party in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.


If a property preservation order is unfounded, the applicant shall compensate the party against whom the order was made for any losses sustained as a result of the implementation of the property preservation order.

第二十九条 当事人、法定代理人可以委托律师和其他代理人进行仲裁活动。委托律师和其他代理人进行仲裁活动的,应当向仲裁委员会提交授权委托书。

Article 29 The parties and their legal representatives may appoint lawyers or engage agents to handle matters relating to the arbitration. In the event that a lawyer or an agent is appointed to handle the arbitration matters, a letter of authorization shall be submitted to the arbitrationcommission.

第二节 仲裁庭的组成

Section 2: Composition of the Arbitration Tribunal

第三十条 仲裁庭可以由三名仲裁员或者一名仲裁员组成。由三名仲裁员组成的,设首席仲裁员。

Article 30 An arbitrationtribunal may comprise three arbitrators or one arbitrator. If an arbitrationtribunalcomprises three arbitrators, a presiding arbitrator shall be appointed.

  • arbitration [,ɑ:bi´treiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.仲裁;公断 六级词汇
  • jurisdiction [,dʒuəris´dikʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.裁判(权);管辖范围 四级词汇
  • invalid [in´vælid] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.病人 a.无效的 四级词汇
  • preservation [,prezə´veiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保存;储藏;维护 四级词汇
  • compensate [´kɔmpenseit] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.赔偿;补偿;酬报 四级词汇
  • tribunal [trai´bju:nəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(特种)法庭,审判员 四级词汇
