


customer n.顾客

forget v.忘记

manager n.经理

serve v.照应,服务,接待

counter n.柜台

recognize v.认出

forget v. 忘记

forget to do sth.忘记去做某事

I have forgotten to bring my book.

forget doing sth.忘记做了某事

I will never forget finding that rare coin in my garden.

serve v. 照应,服务,接待

v. 服务;接待;侍候

Are you being served, sir?先生,有人为您服务吗?

v. 供应;摆出(食物或饮料等)

What time is breakfast served in this hotel?这个饭店里什么时候供应早餐?

v. 为......服务/服役;任职

The old cook has served the family for 30 years.这位老厨师已为这家干了30年了。

He began to serve in the Navy in 1960.他从1960年起开始在海军服役。

recognize v. 认出

v. 认出;认识

Can you recognize this tune?你能听出这支曲调吗?

v. 承认;确认

I recognize that he is more capable than I am.


They recognized Richard as his lawful heir.他们确认理查德为他的合法继承人。

Are british medical qualifications recognized in other European courntries?



文章标签:新概念英语  新概念英语第一册    
