


mess n.杂乱,凌乱

pack v.包装,打包,装箱

suitcase n.手提箱

leave v.离开

already adv.已经

mess n. 杂乱,凌乱

Excuse the mess.乱七八糟,请原谅。

pack v. 包装,打包,装箱

v. 打包,装箱

pack one's suitcase打包

pack one's suitcases收拾行李。

v. 挤满,塞满

The movie fans packed the hall.大厅里挤满了影迷。

The bus was packed with people.公共汽车里挤满了人。

leave v. 离开

v. 离开,出发

The train is going to leave in 5 minutes.

v. 舍弃;脱离

John's wife left him for another man.


v. 留给,遗留;委托

'Leave it to me,'he said."这事交给我来办吧,"他说道。

The famous actress left all her money to charity.




肯定句: has/have + 动词的过去分词

否定形式:hasn't/haven't + 动词的过去分词

疑问形式:把 has/have 提前



CAROL: Hello, Sam. Come in.

TOM: Hi, Sam. We're having lunch.

Do you want to have lunch with us?

SAM: No, thank you, Tom.

I've already had lunch.

I had at half past twelve.

CAROL: Have a cup of coffee then.

SAM: I've just had a cup, thank you.

I had one after my lunch.

TOM: Let's go into the living room, Carol.

We can have our coffee there.

CAROL: Excuse the mess, Sam.

This room's very untidy. We're packing our suitcases.

We're going to leave tomorrow.

CAROL: Tom and I are going to have a holiday.

SAM: Aren't you lucky!

TOM: When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?

SAM: I don't know.

I've already had my holiday this year.

CAROL: Where did you go?

SAM: I stayed at home!


文章标签:新概念英语  新概念英语第一册    
