

似水的年华,换来一声轻叹,绿草、田野、秋千,已不在身边。如果能许一个愿,我愿回到童年,重寻儿时玩伴,听他讲往事如烟;依偎在母亲怀中,那首歌谣悠悠飘起,"摇啊摇篮,摇到外婆桥 ......"

Remember me when I am

gone away,

Gone far away into the

silent land.

When you can no more hold

me by the hand,

Nor I half turn to go

yet turning stay.

Remember me when no

more day and day,

You'll tell me of our future

that yhou planned.

Only remember me ,

You understand it would be

late to counsel then to pray.

And if you should forget me

for a while and afterwards


Do not grieve.

With the darkness and

corruption leave,

A vestige of the thoughts

that once I had.

Better by far you should forget

and smile,

than that you should

remember and be sad.

最后由 冬雪落无声 于 2006-06-11 20:30 编辑

  • vestige [´vestidʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.形迹;痕迹;遗迹 六级词汇

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