

Shuttle Lost

  Circumstances Point to Accident;No Signs of Terror, Officials Say

  Space shuttle Columbia disintegrated 39 miles over Texas today in a meteoric streak that rained smoking debris over hundreds of miles of countryside, killing all seven astronauts.

  Suspicion immediately turned to possible damage to the left wing during liftoff.

  The catastrophe occurred in the last 16 minutes of the 16-day mission as the spaceship glided in for a landing in Florida. In its horror and in its backdrop of a crystal blue sky, the day echoed one almost exactly 17 years before, when the Challenger exploded.








  shuttle lost 为主标题,余下的两个为副标题。注意,circumstances 在此的意思是"detail accompanying or surrounding an event伴随或围绕一个事件的细节" 例如: The level of the fine will depends on the circumstances of the case. 罚款多少要依案件的具体情况而定。此外,circumstances还可以指"经济状况",例如:  They have been living in reduced circumstances since she lost her job. 自从她失业以来,他们一直过着经济拮据的生活。 Point to/towards, 意为"to suggest the strong possibility of; be a sign of 显出大有可能,是...的迹象", 又如: All the evidence points towards Randall as the murderer. 所有证据都表明兰德尔是杀人凶手。

  Space shuttle, 即"航天飞机",shuttle本意是织布机上的梭子,它可以用来泛指短途往返的汽车、列车或飞机(这一点上与commuter bus/train/airplane意思相近),当然也可指往返于地面和太空之间的航天飞机。象下文那样,航天飞机也可以说成spaceship. 而spacecraft指"宇宙飞船",两者含义略有不同。还有,shuttle diplomacy指"穿梭外交",用的就是比喻义了。

  Disintegrate "碎裂,崩溃": The plane flew into a mountain, and disintegrated on impact. 飞机冲向一座山,撞得粉碎。 这个词有很多意义相近的同义词,如dismantle, disband, 以及短语break apart, break into pieces, fall apart等。接下来的 meteoric, 意思是"流星般的(尤指极快而短暂的)"如 a meteoric rise to fame 昙花一现般的成名。Streak , 线条,条纹。所以,meteoric streak 就是"流星般疾速划过的轨迹", 又 a streak of lightning,一道闪电。下面的rain(pour down, 倾泻而下), 用的很形象,这里也可以用shower一词。注意本文中在说航天飞机残骸的时候用了debris 一词。Astronaut, 大家都知道是指"宇航员",其实也可以使用crew member的。

  在第三段中,liftoff, 是指航天飞机发射升空,与之对应的是landing或 touchdown,返回地面。Catastrophe, a great, often sudden calamity 大灾难,常指突如其来的。与其意义相近的词还有disaster(灾难),debacle(突然的失败、衰败),accident(事故)等等。Backdrop, 背景,与background 意义相似。例如:Working time cut at Air France against backdrop of privatisation. 在私有化的背景下,法航削减了员工工作时间。 echo, to repeat, 重复,这里指航天飞机坠毁的历史重现。又如:The event echoed a previous incident in history. 这次事件重演了历史上的一幕。
  • countryside [´kʌntrisaid] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.乡下,农村 四级词汇
  • catastrophe [kə´tæstrəfi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局 四级词汇
  • landing [´lændiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.登陆;降落;楼梯平台 六级词汇
  • impact [´impækt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.影响,作用;冲击 六级词汇
  • disband [dis´bænd] 移动到这儿单词发声 V.(团体的)解散 六级词汇
  • calamity [kə´læmiti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.灾害,大灾难 四级词汇

