

Blix: Let Iraq Arms Inspections Continue

  U.N. Weapons Chief Sees Signs of Iraqi Cooperation on Disarmament, Says Inspections Should Continue

  BAGHDAD, Iraq Feb. 10 - With more Iraqi documents in hand, and new ideas for tracking old weapons, the chief U.N. inspectors said they sense a "good beginning" and a changed "positive attitude" in Baghdad toward their job of ensuring Iraq is free of banned arms.

  In their two days of talks here, however, Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei did not win immediate agreement, as expected, for U-2 reconnaissance flights over Iraq.

  The Baghdad meetings that ended Sunday were a prelude to crucial reports the two chief inspectors must file with the U.N. Security Council on Friday, new assessments of Iraqi cooperation that will help the council decide on next steps in the months-long Iraq crisis.




  巴格达,伊拉克 2月10日 -随着拥有更多伊方提供的相关文件以及追踪旧时武器下落的新思路,联合国首席核查官员说他们预感到"一个新的开端",并感受到巴格达方面对其解除伊方武装转变过来的"积极态度"。




  第一节中,in hand意为"在手中,在手头",如: I've got enough money in hand to buy a new car.我手头有足够的钱买一辆新车。 请注意,不同的介词同hand 搭配有不同的意思,如 at hand,指"在附近,在手头", An end to illicit trafficking in these drugs may be at hand.有关这些毒品的非法贩运活动即将结束。 还可以指"即将发生", Your big moment is at hand. 你的重大时刻即将到来。 On hand, "现有(随时可用)",如:My bank always has an advisor on hand to discuss financial problems. 我的银行总备有一名顾问来讨论金融问题。

  在...free of banned arms... 中, free of/from 意思是"没有...的,摆脱...的",如:Organic vegetables are completely free of preservatives and other chemicals. 有机肥料灌溉的蔬菜完全不含有防腐剂和其他化学物质。 也可以以 -free的形式构成复合词,如 lead-free fuel 不含铅汽油, duty-free shop 免税店 等。

  第二节,reconnaissance, "侦察, 搜索, 勘测". 与其意思相近的还有 spy, surveillance, scout等。

  第三节,prelude, "前奏, 序幕"。 File, "正式提出,提交",又如: They filed an application to have their case heard early. 他们正式提交了一份申请书以期案件得到早日审理。 最后说说crisis,"危机",其实,有关这次对伊武器核查事件,西方各大媒体还用了诸如standstill"停顿",stalemate"僵局",deadlock"僵局;僵持"等字眼来形容,可见英语的词汇真是丰富,甚至是redundant(冗余的)了。
  • disarmament [dis´ɑ:məmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.缴械;裁军 六级词汇

