

  在 Beyond the Postcard 中我们介绍了一些大家不是很熟悉的英国的名胜古迹。你想了解更多关于这些名胜古迹的情况吗?你知道怎样找到更多这方面的信息吗?在本单元的特辑中,我们将帮助你学习如何利用互联网查找相关信息。

One way of searching

You can get to a search engine in two different ways :
On your browser, you will see a button on the toolbar that says "Search". When you click this, a panel will open at the left side of the browser screen, with a box where you can type the words you want to search for.

The only problem with this is that it automatically opens the search engine of the company who made your browser, probably Netscape or Microsoft.

Another way of searching

Another way to get to a search engine is to access it directly from the main browser window.
For example, to use the GOOGLE search engine, go to the GOOGLE main page at "www.google.com" and you'll see the search box on the main homepage.

Go on to the next page to 'search with an example'.
browser (n.) 浏览器
panel (n.) 面板
