口译笔记 王毅副外长在安理会的发言 汉英对照版(4)
2008-6-16 11:02 作者: 李鹏
【译文】The African Union is the largest and most representative regional organization in Africa, and it has gained
widespread international recognition for the
increasingly important role it plays in upholding peace and
stability and resolving conflicts in Africa. The good cooperation between the United Nations and African Union in the past few years, marked by progress in countries like Burundi, Liberia, Somalia and Sudan, has become a model for observing the UN Charter. China salutes the
determination, courage and dedication of African countries and the African Union.
3."对......表示敬意"以salute(formal to praise someone for the things they have achieved, especially publicly)译出,同上文以applaud翻译"对......表示高度赞赏"有异曲同工之妙。