
The cars were the main attraction at the press opening of the Beijing International Automotive show, but most automakers burnished their sheet metal with an array of accompanying human models--mostly female and mostly Chinese--in varying states of dress.


Among them: Donfeng Motors Groups' butterfly-winged dancers around its E30L electric vehicle, the ballroom gown-attired Lexus booth hostesses, and the Volvo booth's battalion of pose-ready Swedish blonds.

其中具有代表性的包括:东风汽车集团股份有限公司(Donfeng Motors Group)E30L电动车旁的蝴蝶舞者;雷克萨斯(Lexus)展台前穿着舞会礼服的女主持;沃尔沃(Volvo)展台前一批摆出各种姿势的瑞典金发女郎。

By far the oddest entry in this ad hoc beauty contest was a bikini-clad model who strolled around wearing a white two-piece and motorcycle crash helmet with a shaded visor.


As she wandered the hall mutely, clutching a magazine in both hands, a retinue of camera-wielding middle-aged men followed her around snapping pictures and staring. The only clue to her identity: stickers taped to both arms with the English phrase 'Stylish Auto.'

这位车模一言不发在展厅内游荡,手里拿着一本杂志。一群手持相机的中年男子跟在这名车模的身后一边抓拍照片,一边盯着她看。惟一能标志这名模特身份的是她两只手臂上的贴纸,上面用英文写着"Stylish Auto"(《型车时代》杂志)。

The story behind the publicity stunt: to attract publicity for the Chinese-language fashion and automotive magazine, 'Stylish Auto'.


'It's a good way to break through the clutter and inform people about our magazine,' said Sheu August, a senior fashion editor with the Guangzhou-based publication.


This year's Beijing show marks the mystery woman's third appearance following her debut at the Shanghai show last year, he said.


Chester Dawson

Chester Dawson