


jacket n.短上衣,茄克衫

jail/gaol n.监狱v.监禁

jam n.阻塞,轧住;果酱v.(使)阻塞,(使)轧住不动

jar n.罐,坛,广口瓶

jargon n.行话

jaw n.颌,颚

jazz n.爵士乐

jealous a.(of)妒忌的;猜疑的,警惕的

jealousy n.妒忌;猜忌;提防

jet n.喷气发动机,喷气式飞机;喷口,喷嘴v.喷出,喷射

jewel n.宝石,宝石饰物

jewelry/jewellery n.[总称]珠宝

Jewish a.犹太人的

jog v.慢跑

joint n.接合处,接头,接缝;关节,骨节a.联合的,共同的,连接的

jolly a.欢乐的,高兴的ad.非常

journal n.定期刊物,杂志,日报;日志,日记

journalist n.记者,新闻工作者

journey n.旅行,旅程v.旅行

joy n.欢乐,喜悦;乐事,乐趣

judgment/judgement n.审判,判决;判断力,识别力;看法,意见

juice n.(水果)汁,液

junction n.连接,接合;交叉点,接合处,枢纽站

junior a.年少的,年幼的;低年级的;后进的,下级的;(美国四年制大学)三年级的n.年少者,低班生;下级,晚辈;(美国


jury n.陪审团;全体评审员

justice n.公正,公平;审判,司法

justify v.证明......是正当的,认为有理

Words:27 Phrases:0 Total:27

Pete's parents divorced when he was studying at a junior middle school. Pete gave up his study. To earn money, he put on sport jacket and then danced jazz in the street. But his income only could afford a jar of orange juice. He felt jealous of rich people, especially a Jewish woman. She was a jolly woman. Every one could see the joy in her smiling face. But Pete though she had a proud jaw only because she wore jewelry! Some guys taught Pete to speak jargon and how to steal! One night, Pete went jogging and he saw the Jewish woman walk alone! He robbed of her jewel! The woman defended herself with a knife. She cut his wrist so badly that blood jetted out. Pete fled in a hurry. On the way, he hurt his ankle joint. Pete tried to leave on a jet plane. But it was late. He was arrested and put into a jail. The police knew that his motive was jealousy. But in the name of justice, all men should be equal before laws. Nothing could justify Pete's robbery. The jury passed judgment on Pete. He was judged guilty. A journalist heard of Pete's story, he wanted to interview him. As a journalist of a famous journal, he journeyed frequently. He drove a car to the jail. But he was held for an hour in a traffic jam. The traffic jam happened at a highway junction. In the car, the journalist began to think what caused Pete to be a criminal.

  • junction [´dʒʌŋkʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.连接;交叉点 四级词汇
  • robbery [´rɔbəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.抢劫(案);盗取 四级词汇

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