Geneva is located in the Rhone Valley at the southwestern corner of Lake Geneva (or Lac Léman, in Fr...
Known in previous incarnations (作为化身、代表)as Byzantium (拜占庭)and Constantinople (君士坦丁堡), the ancient ci...
Santa is from Greenland, according to an edict from the 40th annual Father Christmas World Congress....
The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been t...
Don't be disheartened(沮丧)when you arrive in Warsaw and you discover it is not an Eastern European pa...
There's much more to Brussels than beer, chocolate and chips. Brussels is a stylish city where busin...
Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, has a history that goes back thousands of years. Through the centuri...
There's no escaping it: Rome means history. There are layers of the stuff - Etruscan(伊特鲁里亚的) tombs, ...
Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, having about 1,6 million inhabitants. It is located in the south-...
Amsterdam, seaport and principal city of the western Netherlands, in North Holland Province, near Th...
Naples is raucous(乱哄哄的), polluted, anarchic, deafening, crumbling and grubby(肮脏的). It's also a lot o...
Prague, capital of the Czech Republic and one of Europe's most beautiful cities, has finally come in...
It's easy to see why the youthful Beatles fell in love with Hamburg. Germany's second largest city b...
Santorini(桑托林岛)is one of the most ruggedly beautiful and dramatic places on earth. Santorini, also k...
The hard-working Milanese(米兰人)run their busy metropolis with efficiency and aplomb(沉着、冷静). It is the...