you to imagine you\'re a student in my lab you to help me create a fully three d dynamic parameterized contact model a..
welcome if i could have the first slide pleasecontrary to calculations made by some engineers bees can flywhat i want ..
i\'m going to discuss with you three of my inventions that can have an effect on tens to a hundred million people whic..
the first question is this our country has two exploration programs one iswith a mission to explore the great beyond to.
here \'s where it happens you know he tells her i \'d like to hand paint your portrait on a coffee mug but you walk ...
really want to understand the problem that we\'re facing with the oceans you have to think about the biology at the sa..
mockingbirds that \'s mimus polyglottos are the emcees of the animal kingdom they listen and mimic and remix what they..
this poem after hearing a pretty well known actress tell a very well known interviewer on television i \'m really gett..
is a recent cover of new york magazine best hospitals where doctors say they would go for cancer treatment births stroke
last month the encyclopaedia britannica announced that it is going out of print after two hundred and forty four years w
the start of the story where this means guy and that is a ponytail on a passer by here \'s where it happens this is a ..
a mockingbird can squawk it so check it i\'m going to catch mockingbirds i\'m going to trap mockingbirds all across ...
every single morning to milk my labrador thistime for inconveniences mishaps yearnings a time for plotting to whack the.
both my parents were educators my maternal grandparents were educators and for the past forty years i \'ve done the sa..