Generally, it has been assumed that the need for sleep does not decrease with age, but rather that o...
最火爆五大流行英文(2008-11-13 13:33:51)如今,我们的口头禅中经常会夹带一些英语词汇。姑且不论使用这些词汇的正确与否,这里仅仅是盘点一下,也欢迎大家补充修正。1 I 服了you《大话...
It's hard enough learning how to be a good boyfriend, but when you're a teen it's even more difficul...
Do women cheat as much as men do?That's the first question the latest infidelity studies point to. T...
Some useful expressions in Cooking This vegetable shreds looks so colorful and tastes so crispy. Co...
The brain can store a vast number of memories, so why can't we find these memories when we need to? ...
关于感冒的10大误区2008-11-20 17:38 Winter is on its way (to the Northern Hemisphere) and with it comes myt...
保持一天活力的饮料 (2008-11-19 14:07:34)It is a daily routine for millions of Italians--the morning cup of es...
电视对孩子成长的危害20081116It's no secret that most busy American mothers use the TV set as a live-in babysit...
The best way to get vitamins is through food, not vitamin pills, according to Susan Taylor Mayne, a ...
心情郁闷时可以做些什么? (2008-11-24 14:18:32)Everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very har...
We all have days when we feel down in the dumps. Whether it’s getting out of bed on the wrong side, ...
It is a rare person who lives without fear of one kind or another. You may fear heights, or spiders...
冬天少生病的秘诀 (2008-11-26 11:24:30)Don't worry, be happy and, according to new research, you will also be...