

to it with a tight knot.

The kerchief immediately began to flutter wildly, now clinging
round the shaft, now suddenly streaming out, stretching and

'Just see what a fine flag!' said Vasili Andreevich, admiring

his handiwork and letting himself down into the sledge. 'We
should be warmer together, but there's not room enough for

two,' he added.
'I'll find a place,' said Nikita. 'But I must cover up the

horse first--he sweated so, poor thing. Let go!' he added,
drawing the drugget from under Vasili Andreevich.

Having got the drugget he folded it in two, and after taking
off the breechband and pad, covered Mukhorty with it.

'Anyhow it will be warmer, silly!' he said, putting back the
breechband and the pad on the horse over the drugget. Then

having finished that business he returned to the sledge, and
addressing Vasili Andreevich, said: 'You won't need the

sackcloth, will you? And let me have some straw.'
And having taken these things from under Vasili Andreevich,

Nikita went behind the sledge, dug out a hole for himself in
the snow, put straw into it, wrapped his coat well round him,

covered himself with the sackcloth, and pulling his cap well
down seated himself on the straw he had spread, and leant

against the wooden back of the sledge to shelter himself from
the wind and the snow.

Vasili Andreevich shook his head disapprovingly at what Nikita
was doing, as in general he disapproved of the peasant's

stupidity and lack of education, and he began to settle himself
down for the night.

He smoothed the remaining straw over the bottom of the sledge,
putting more of it under his side. Then he thrust his hands

into his sleeves and settled down, sheltering his head in the
corner of the sledge from the wind in front.

He did not wish to sleep. He lay and thought: thought ever of
the one thing that constituted the sole aim, meaning, pleasure,

and pride of his life--of how much money he had made and might
still make, of how much other people he knew had made and

possessed, and of how those others had made and were making it,
and how he, like them, might still make much more. The

purchase of the Goryachkin grove was a matter of immense
importance to him. By that one deal he hoped to make perhaps

ten thousand rubles. He began mentally to reckon the value of
the wood he had inspected in autumn, and on five acres of which

he had counted all the trees.
'The oaks will go for sledge-runners. The undergrowth will

take care of itself, and there'll still be some thirty sazheens
of fire-wood left on each desyatin,' said he to himself. 'That

means there will be at least two hundred and twenty-five
rubles' worth left on each desyatin. Fifty-six desyatiins

means fifty-six hundreds, and fifty-six hundreds, and
fifty-six tens, and another fifty-six tens, and then fifty-six

fives. . . .' He saw that it came out to more than twelve
thousand rubles, but could not reckon it up exactly without a

counting-frame. 'But I won't give ten thousand, anyhow. I'll
give about eight thousand with a deduction on account of the

glades. I'll grease the surveyor's palm--give him a hundred
rubles, or a hundred and fifty, and he'll reckon that there are

some five desyatins of glade to be deducted. And he'll let it
go for eight thousand. Three thousand cash down. That'll move

him, no fear!' he thought, and he pressed his pocket-book with
his forearm.

'God only knows how we missed the turning. The forest ought to
be there, and a watchman's hut, and dogs barking. But the

damned things don't bark when they're wanted.' He turned his
collar down from his ear and listened, but as before only the

whistling of the wind could be heard, the flapping and
fluttering of the kerchief tied to the shafts, and the pelting

of the snow against the woodwork of the sledge. He again
covered up his ear.

'If I had known I would have stayed the night. Well, no
matter, we'll get there to-morrow. It's only one day lost. And

the others won't travel in such weather.' Then he remembered
that on the 9th he had to receive payment from the butcher for

his oxen. 'He meant to come himself, but he won't find me, and
my wife won't know how to receive the money. She doesn't know

the right way of doing things,' he thought, recalling how at
their party the day before she had not known how to treat the

police-officer who was their guest. 'Of course she's only a
woman! Where could she have seen anything? In my father's time

what was our house like? Just a rich peasant's house: just an
oatmill and an inn--that was the whole property. But what have

I done in these fifteen years? A shop, two taverns, a
flour-mill, a grain-store, two farms leased out, and a house

with an iron-roofed barn,' he thought proudly. 'Not as it was
in Father's time! Who is talked of in the whole district now?

Brekhunov! And why? Because I stick to business. I take
trouble, not like others who lie abed or waste their time on

foolishness while I don't sleep of nights. Blizzard or no
blizzard I start out. So business gets done. They think

money-making is a joke. No, take pains and rack your brains!
You get overtaken out of doors at night, like this, or keep

awake night after night till the thoughts whirling in your head
make the pillow turn,' he meditated with pride. 'They think

people get on through luck. After all, the Mironovs are now
millionaires. And why? Take pains and God gives. If only He

grants me health!'
The thought that he might himself be a millionaire like

Mironov, who began with nothing, so excited Vasili Andreevich
that he felt the need of talking to somebody. But there was no

one to talk to. . . . If only he could have reached Goryachkin
he would have talked to the landlord and shown him a thing or

'Just see how it blows! It will snow us up so deep that we

shan't be able to get out in the morning!' he thought,
listening to a gust of wind that blew against the front of the

sledge, bending it and lashing the snow against it. He raised
himself and looked round. All he could see through the

whirling darkness was Mukhorty's dark head, his back covered by
the fluttering drugget, and his thick knotted tail; while all

round, in front and behind, was the same fluctuating whity
darkness, sometimes seeming to get a little lighter and

sometimes growing denser still.
'A pity I listened to Nikita,' he thought. 'We ought to have

driven on. We should have come out somewhere, if only back to
Grishkino and stayed the night at Taras's. As it is we must

sit here all night. But what was I thinking about? Yes, that
God gives to those who take trouble, but not to loafers,

lie-abeds, or fools. I must have a smoke!'
He sat down again, got out his cigarette-case, and stretched

himself flat on his stomach, screening the matches with the
skirt of his coat. But the wind found its way in and put out

match after match. At last he got one to burn and lit a
cigarette. He was very glad that he had managed to do what he

wanted, and though the wind smoked more of the cigarette than
he did, he still got two or three puffs and felt more cheerful.

He again leant back, wrapped himself up, started reflecting
and remembering, and suddenly and quite unexpectedly lost

consciousness and fell asleep.
Suddenly something seemed to give him a push and awoke him.

Whether it was Mukhorty who had pulled some straw from under
him, or whether something within him had startled him, at all

events it woke him, and his heart began to beat faster and
faster so that the sledge seemed to tremble under him. He

opened his eyes. Everything around him was just as before.
'It looks lighter,' he thought. 'I expect it won't be long

before dawn.' But he at once remembered that it was lighter
because the moon had risen. He sat up and looked first at the

horse. Mukhorty still stood with his back to the wind,
shivering all over. One side of the drugget, which was

completely covered with snow, had been blown back, the
breeching had slipped down and the snow-covered head with its

waving forelock and mane were now more visible. Vasili
Andreevich leant over the back of the sledge and looked behind.

Nikita still sat in the same position in which he had settled
himself. The sacking with which he was covered, and his legs,

were thickly covered with snow.
'If only that peasant doesn't freeze to death! His clothes are

so wretched. I may be held responsible for him. What
shiftless people they are--such a want of education,' thought

Vasili Andreevich, and he felt like taking the drugget off the
horse and putting it over Nikita, but it would be very cold to

get out and move about and, moreover, the horse might freeze to
death. 'Why did I bring him with me? It was all her

stupidity!' he thought, recalling his unloved wife, and he
rolled over into his old place at the front part of the sledge.

'My uncle once spent a whole night like this,' he reflected,
'and was all right.' But another case came at once to his

mind. 'But when they dug Sebastian out he was dead--stiff like
a frozencarcass. If I'd only stopped the night in Grishkino

all this would not have happened!'
And wrapping his coat carefully round him so that none of the

warmth of the fur should be wasted but should warm him all
over, neck, knees, and feet, he shut his eyes and tried to

sleep again. But try as he would he could not get drowsy, on
the contrary he felt wide awake and animated. Again he began

counting his gains and the debts due to him, again he began
bragging to himself and feeling pleased with himself and his

position, but all this was continually disturbed by a
stealthily approaching fear and by the unpleasant regret that

he had not remained in Grishkino.
'How different it would be to be lying warm on a bench!'

He turned over several times in his attempts to get into a more
comfortable position more sheltered from the wind, he wrapped

up his legs closer, shut his eyes, and lay still. But either
his legs in their strong felt boots began to ache from being

bent in one position, or the wind blew in somewhere, and after
lying still for a short time he again began to recall the

disturbing fact that he might now have been lying quietly in
the warm hut at Grishkino. He again sat up, turned about,

muffled himself up, and settled down once more.
Once he fancied that he heard a distant cock-crow. He felt

glad, turned down his coat-collar and listened with strained
attention, but in spite of all his efforts nothing could be

heard but the wind whistling between the shafts, the flapping
of the kerchief, and the snow pelting against the frame of the

Nikita sat just as he had done all the time, not moving and not

even answering Vasili Andreevich who had addressed him a
couple of times. 'He doesn't care a bit--he's probably

asleep!' thought Vasili Andreevich with vexation, looking
behind the sledge at Nikita who was covered with a thick layer

of snow.
Vasili Andreevich got up and lay down again some twenty times.

It seemed to him that the night would never end. 'It must be
getting near morning,' he thought, getting up and looking

around. 'Let's have a look at my watch. It will be cold to
unbutton, but if I only know that it's getting near morning I

shall at any rate feel more cheerful. We could begin

In the depth of his heart Vasili Andreevich knew that it could
not yet be near morning, but he was growing more and more

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