这一课,我们将就前几次学到的organising 技巧做一些练习,以巩固所学。
Organising: Summary
In this chapter, you
learned how to organise the contents of the documents you write.
learned that, when writing to colleagues or customers, you usually can follow a similar outline.
SOFAR can help you remember the basic outline.
In the following Summary Exercise, you can use SOFAR to help you arrange the contents of a letter.
Organising: Summary Exercise
There are 10 sentences and 3 other parts of a letter below. Please arrange them in the correct order (1-13).
(1) Yours
sincerely(2) May I suggest that you contact Mr Ong directly.
(3) I am sorry that I was not in the office when you rang.
(4) We do have a branch in Singapore.
(5) I hope this information is helpful.
(6) Dear Mr Rushford
(7) The address is 54 Liu Fang Road, Jorong Town, Singapore.
(8) Alex Ribero
(9) I am pleased to provide the information you requested.
(10) The manager is Mr David Ong
(11) He can provide you with the financial advice you are seeking.
(12) Thank you for
trying to contact me by phone yesterday.
(13) His telephone number is +65 535 1234.
Dear Mr Rushford(6)
Thank you for
trying to contact me by phone yesterday.(12) I am sorry that I was not in the office when you rang.(3)
I am pleased to provide the information you requested.(9)
We do have a branch in Singapore.(4) The address is 54 Liu Fang Road, Jorong Town, Singapore.(7) The manager is Mr David Ong(10) May I suggest that you contact Mr Ong directly.(2)
His telephone number is +65 535 1234.(13) He can provide you with the financial advice you are seeking.(11)
I hope this information is helpful. (5)
Alex Ribero(8)
Well Done!
You've now completed Chapter 2!
In this chapter you continued to learn about the Writing Process by looking at the second stage - Organise.
So now you can organise your business
correspondence by
preparing a clear outline
arranging the contents.
In the next chapter, you'll look at the third stage - Draft, and the beginning of the fourth stage -- Revise.
See you there!