

The proton's inner life is a complex affair. The three "valence" quarks that make up its charge live in a seething sea of shorter-lived quarks that pop into and out of existence from the quantum vacuum.


Pulling the strings is a melange of particles called gluons. Quarks carry both electricalcharge and a property known as colour charge. Just as photons are exchanged between particles with electric charge to produce the electromagnetic force, gluons are exchanged between colour-charged quarks. This exchange produces the strong nuclear force that binds them together.


Except there is a difference. Photons are electrically neutral, but gluons themselves carry colour charge, and so feel their own force. That raises an interesting question: can we forget the quarks altogether, and make matter just of gluons stuck to each other?


The possibility of "glueballs" has tantalised physicists for three decades. In 1994, CERN's Crystal Barrel experiment provided the first of a series of putative sightings. Yet two decades on, says particle theorist Frank Close, we are no closer to saying what truth there was in the claims. Any number of electrically neutral, strongly-interacting particles will in all practically conceivable situations mix with glueballs and muddy the waters. "There is nothing that goes against the idea of glueballs existing," says Close. "But how to prove it is still bugging me."

"胶球"的可能性已经引诱了物理学家三十年。 1994年,欧洲核子研究中心的水晶桶实验提供了一系列中的第一个候选发现。然而二十年来,粒子理论家的Close说,我们并没有更接近说什么是正确的。任意数量的电中性的强相互作用粒子,在几乎可以想象的任何实际情况下,和胶球的信号混杂而会把水搅浑。 "没有什么违背现有的胶球理论",CLose说,"但是如何证明它仍困扰着我。"
