
Microsoft Word and Excel are both applications, but these rather staid and well-established pieces of software are not what modern-day tech enthusiasts mean when they talk about 'apps.' The emergence of Web or 'cloud'-based IT services and super-smart mobile phone and tablet technology, as embodied by the iPhone and the iPad, has given birth to a universe of weird and wonderful pieces of software brimming with all sorts of information and tools. Apps combine the unique features of the new wave of super-clever hardware, including a camera, a global positioning system, a high-resolution screen, and WiFi capability, with a bottomless pit of Web-based information and data, to deliver some truly innovative and mind-boggling gizmos.


Because apps can be developed by any third party who wishes to try, there are literally millions to choose from.


Presented here are 10 of the most useful, most recommended and most interesting.




This is an application for anyone who has ever heard a song or tune they love on an advert or in a shop but have not been able to identify it. Self-styled as a 'music discovery engine,' Shazam is a smartphone application boasting a simple but revelatory function: Hold up the phone to the music, whether the tune is being broadcast from a speaker in a shop, on the TV, or in the gym, and the Shazam application will identify the song and the artist. Users can also view related YouTube videos. Shazam is primarily a smartphone application but it can also be downloaded onto the iPad.


The Good Food Guide 2011


Foodies of the U.K., rejoice, as Britain's best-selling and most well-established guide to dining well is available on the iPhone. The Good Food Guide iPhone application, launched last year, includes the entire food guide for 2011, as well as independent reviews of the best restaurants in the U.K. It also allows happy and disgruntled diners alike to upload their own reviews and includes a function, using the phone's global positioning system and WiFi location service, which allows users to locate restaurants nearby. In addition, users can exploit the handy restaurantreservationfunctionality, which clicks through to the restaurant website and phone number.

英国的美食爱好者应该感到雀跃,因为英国最畅销、最成熟的美食指南已在iPhone上登陆。"2011美食指南"(The Good Food Guide)于2010年发布,包括完整的2011年美食指南,以及对英国最佳餐厅的独家点评。该应用程序能让用餐者上传自己对餐厅或正面或负面的点评,并能利用手机的全球定位系统和WiFi位置服务来寻找附近的餐馆。此外,用户还能使用简便的餐厅预定功能,只要点击进入餐厅网站进行电话预约即可。



Always forgetting to pick up your dry cleaning? OmniFocus has the answer. Developed by productivity applicationspecialist the Omni Group, OmniFocus is a location-based task manager founded on the principle that certain tasks are performed in certain contexts. OmniFocus uses the GPS and WiFi positioning capability of the iPhone to organize the user's list of chores according to their location. For example, if the user has a number of chores to perform in a morning, the OmniFocus app will remind him or her of the tasks when they are in the relevant contexts, such as passing the dry cleaners. OmniFocus also has a sister iPad app.

你总是忘了去取干洗的衣服吗?OmniFocus能帮上忙。它由效能软件发展商Omni Group开发,是一款能进行位置识别的任务管理软件,其管理模式建立在一个基本理念之上,即特定任务需要在特定的背景下完成。OmniFocus利用iPhone的GPS全球定位功能和Wi-Fi定位功能,根据使用者所在位置来统筹规划任务清单。举例而言,如果你早上有很多事要做,OmniFocus将在适当的地点和时间提醒你做相应的事情,比如去干洗店取衣服等。OmniFocus也有iPad版本。

Drinks Tracker

4、酒量早知道Drinks Tracker

This application will change your life, but not necessarily in the way you would like. With excessivealcoholconsumption costing the U.K's National Health Service GBP 2.7 billion ($4.4 billion) a year, the health service has developed this handy iPhone app that allows the user to keep track of his or her ongoing alcohol intake. Simply input the strength, size, and quantity of the drinks consumed and the app will tell you the equivalent units and present the information in an easy-to-view graph. This app, if a little depressing at first, is extremely useful for people attempting to cut back on their alcohol intake.

这款应用程序将改变你的生活,但不一定是朝着你希望的方向。每年,过度饮酒都要耗费英国国民卫生服务体系(National Health Service)27亿英镑的巨资。因此,该组织开发了这款有用的iPhone应用程序,让使用者即时了解自己的酒精摄入量。只要输入喝了几杯、酒杯大小和酒精度,它就能告诉你对应的酒精单位,并以通过一个简洁明了的图像介面来提供信息。这款应用程序一开始可能让你有点不自在,但对希望减少酒精摄入量的人来说极其有用。

DataVault Password Manager

5、加密软件DataVault Password Manager

As more and more applications and IT services are delivered via the Web, consumers are expected to memorize an ever-bewildering array of passwords with an ever-expanding number of characters. Designed by California company Ascendo Inc., DataVault Password Manager offers a handy and intuitive way to store a range of passwords, PINs, credit-card details, and other vital personal information, which is protected with strong encryption technology. The application, which is designed for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, allows users to have all their vital password information safely to hand at all times, although a desktop version is also available.

随着越来越多的应用程序和IT服务都通过互联网来提供,消费者不得不记住很多冗长的密码,搞得自己晕头转向。加州一家公司Ascendo Inc.开发的加密软件DataVault Password Manager提供一个简单而又富有创意的方式来储存各种密码、PIN号码、信用卡信息以及其他重要的个人信息,并以强大的加密技术来保护数据安全。这款应用程序适用于iPhone、iPad和iPod Touch,还有适用于台式电脑的版本,让用户随时随地都能安全拥有自己重要的密码信息。

Find My Car!

6、找到我的汽车Find My Car!

Wondering around helplesslytrying to find your parked car is a common recurring mid-life frustration dream, but it need never again be a reality with this inspired application. Developed by French mobile applicationspecialist Presselite, Find My Car puts an end to the ignominy of misplacing your car. Using the iPhone location capability, the application allows the user to locate the position of the car and fix it on the iPhone's map function. For those who have trouble following maps, the application also has the facility to record visual information as a helpful prompt using the phone's camera. Once the user's excursion is over, he or she simply follows the map back to the vehicle.

在停车场无助地寻找自己的汽车是中年人经常在梦中出现的焦虑场景,但有了这款创意十足的程式,梦境将永远不会成为现实。Find My Car!由法国移动应用程序开发商Presselite开发,让你远离找不到自己汽车的尴尬局面。利用iPhone的定位功能,该应用程序可以让使用者定位汽车的位置,并显示在iPhone的地图功能上。如果你看不太懂地图,该程式还能利用手机摄像头记录下视觉信息作为提示。办完事后,用户只要通过地图引导就能回到车上。

Layar Reality Browser

7、现实流览器Layar Reality Browser

Produced by Dutch company Layar, Layar Reality Browser is one of hundreds of applications that use a technology known as augmented reality to provide additional information about the user's surroundings. Augmented reality overlays images, Web links and data on top of the image displayed by the phone's camera in order to provide useful context-specific information. Hold up the iPhone's camera to capture the surrounding area and Layar displays a wealth of additional information onto the smartphone's field of vision, such as the most popular bars nearby, or flats to rent in the area.
