Layar Reality Browser由荷兰公司Layar开发,是数百款利用"增强现实"(augmented reality)技术让使用者获得更多周围信息的应用程序之一。增强现实技术将图像、网路连接和数据叠加到手机摄像头拍摄的图片上,从而提供有用且具有针对性的信息。只要用手机摄像头拍下周围的照片,Layar就能在智能手机的显示区域中补充很多额外信息,如附近最热门的酒吧、可供出租的房子等。



Whatever happened to the boy who played Oliver in the 1968 film musical? What year was the first Alien film released? The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) has all the answers. As the world's largest collection of TV and film trivia with a database of some 1.5 million films and TV shows, IMDb can satisfy a vast majority of obscure film-related questions. This app is for any household incapable of finishing a film without squabbling over the name of the supporting actor and other films he has starred in.




A good music-streaming application is a must-have for anyone who loves music, whether the app is downloaded onto a desktop, tablet or smartphone. Music-streaming apps allow users to listen to their favorite music on-demand via the Web, without the irritation of endless adverts. There are a number of good streaming applications out there, but Spotify continues to improve and is available on desktops, a number of smartphones, and the iPad. In addition to providing online music streaming, Spotify allows users to play back tunes when offline, and the mobile app offers smooth syncing with the desktop app.


Word Lens

10、即时翻译软件Word Lens

One of the most celebrated apps to be released in recent months, Word Lens instantly translates printed words in one language into another using the phone's built-in video camera. For example, the user is traveling abroad and cannot understand what a sign says. He or she points the iPhone or iPad camera at the sign, and the English translation will immediately appear on the screen overlaying the initial image using augmented reality. At the moment the application only provides translation between English and Spanish, but the application's creators -- augmented-reality app development firm Quest Visual Inc. -- promises more European languages in due course.

最近几个月最令人拍手称快的应用程序之一当属Word Lens,它能利用手机内置的视频摄像头,将一种语言的文字即时翻译成另一种语言。比如说,用户在国外旅行,看不懂指示标识牌上的文字,就可以将iPhone或iPad的摄像头对准标识牌,通过增强现实技术,英文翻译将立即叠加在原先的图片上。目前,该程式只提供英文和西班牙文之间的翻译,但开发者--增强现实应用程序开发商Quest Visual Inc.--承诺将逐步增加更多的欧洲语言包。

Michelle Price

Michelle Price
