

Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:44 u kidding me, i love to cook want to learn how to cook proper Chinese food(我想知道中国菜怎么烧的)  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:46 you get it! Chinese food is really tasting probably kind of the best food in the world, U know, there is an increasing number of Yankees(美国人) who came all the way to China just want to find a woman to marry with, for the good cuisine tradition, i just can not imagine how to live a lifetime with hamburger(我不敢想象你们美国人怎么能就着汉堡包吃一辈子).  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:49 ah yes do u eat hamburger?  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:50 every once in a while(不常吃)。KFC or Mc donald ,which one is more popular in the states? (在美国,肯德基和麦当劳那个更受欢迎?这个问题可以随便拿个老外来练习)  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:52 mc donalds   Brian:(01-8-29) 13:52 why, just cuz(因为) Americans like beef than chicken?personally i like KFC, it's more tasting(可口,好味道) and some sort of Chinese people's style(符合中国人的饮食习惯), seems like we Chinese prefer the chickens .  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:54 i don't know i don't like either too much myself(我两个都不爱吃,外国人好象都不喜欢吃这种高热量的junk food)  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:55 then what u like, u do not like hamburgers ,how about the rice ,do u eat rice in your daily life? we, the regular Chinese's main food(那你们吃米么)  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:58 i LOVE rice  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:59 i am a good cook and my cuisine capability(烹调手艺) is really good   Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:00 what do u cook well? tell me a dish  Brian:(01-8-29) 14:01 a bunch of things:Chinese Tofu(豆腐), vinegar fish(糖醋鱼), and some short ribs(小排)(这些常见的中国菜英文说法最好记住)。  Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:03 how do u make vinegar fish  Brian:01-8-29 14:05 it's really sophisticated to tell you that on the net, we get the different fishes and different seasonings(调料), so even tell you exact the way i make , maybe you will bring up with a different one(鱼和调料都不同,即使告诉你了,你也做不出我这味来。实际上我做的vinegar fish最难吃)  Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:07 it sounds good though(听起来就已经不错了)  Brian:(01-8-29) 14:09 Yup (表示肯定,相当于Yes)  Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:10 i would love to visit your country one day so much to learn  Brian:(01-8-29) 14:11 u mean it?(你说真的么)  Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:11 yeah, and what do u do in your occasional time? (平时都干些啥)(经典询问句,这句话我们也可用随时拿来问对方)  Brian:(01-8-29) 14:11 well, I like movies so much and bought the movie DVDs and I really loved them and I kept them in my bedroom, and when I get really, really depressed, and I couldn't find anybody to talk to, I took the movies out and watch.....(我喜欢看电影,非常喜欢,当我难过郁闷,找不到别人和我说话时,我就看DVD。寂寞经典自白,向每一个可能见到的老外说出这几句话,一定要连贯!)  Brian的小结: 上面的一段寂寞独白实际上是我从另一外国朋友那抄袭来的,我几乎是一个字不差的把它说给Nikky听,因为我有那位外国朋友很喜欢看电影,幸好我也有相同的兴趣。但之所以这段话给我留下很深的原因并不是这个,原因是她说这段话给我听的时候,露出的牙齿很漂亮,给我的印象非常深,我又让她pardon了一遍。  这个小节不多,但好句子有不少:  KFC or Mc donald ,which one is more popular in the states?  I don't like either too much myself. (再也找不到比这句话更地道的句子了)  and what do u do in your occasional time?
