

  4. Some people have a hard time understanding what 'Glass Only' means. 人??就是?o法了解??K??著 "Glass Only" 的牌子代表什?意思。很多人都有?似的??吧?明明牌子上??的,"No Glass" 就是??腥税?A href="http://search.china.alibaba.com/offer/%E7%8E%BB%E7%92%83.html" target=_blank>玻璃?G?去,明明是 "Glass Only" 又??腥税逊?A href="http://search.china.alibaba.com/offer/%E7%8E%BB%E7%92%83.html" target=_blank>玻璃的?|西?混?其中。我每次看到??情?r,也只??f,"How can people do that?" ,不然就是只能?u?苦笑走?。後?碛幸淮 Katie 看到了,她是??很有正?感的人,她一??炱鸩??凫哆@?的垃圾,一????地跟我?,"People have a hard time understanding what 'Glass Only' means." 是不是她??幼拥谋磉_方式?起?砗芡??,各位?不?得呢?

  在上面的例句中, Katie 小妹妹用了have a hard time 是??片?,意即有困?,也就相?於 have difficulty (in) V+ing ???片?。同?拥木湫臀??可以用在其它的?龊稀1确秸f你坐在非吸???^,偏偏就是有人要抽??,??r候你就可以?硪痪洌?"People have a hard time understanding what 'No smoking' means." 或是 "People have difficulty understanding what 'No smoking' means." ??拥闹v法,?比平?直述地?,"How can people smoke here?"?淼蒙?佑腥さ囟嗔恕

  5. I laughed incredibly hard last night. I almost died.


  ?????,表情?富的人?是比?受?g迎的,?是我多年?砺??鄯e出?淼男牡谩S?得上次跟一群美??笥讶タ措?影,回?碇??e人??我???部?影好不好看。我是?得?好笑的,所以我就平?直述地?,"It was fun. I like it." (很好笑,我很喜?g。) 但是?他??另一??美???r,那??美??说幕卮?t是," I laughed incredibly hard last night. I almost died." (我笑得很???,差??]笑死。) ??鑫揖陀X得自己被比下去了,因?槟愎饴?他的回答,都可以深深地感?到?部?影有多?地有趣。 另外,跟前一句?意思很相似,而且在美??渤B?到的?有一??法,叫 "I almost died laughing." 翻?成中文就是「我差??]笑死」的意思。

  ?倪@件事上我?W到的心得是,1. incredibly 是??很好用的副?,三不五?r可以拿出?砑??自己??的?? 2. "I almost died." 是句很有??⌒Ч?脑?,如果一句??完自己?得不?蛘F??,立刻在句末加上一句,"I almost died." 或是 "I almost died +V+ing" 立刻就有????睛之效。比方?吧,你要跟美?????昨晚去吃的 "All-you-can-eat buffet" ??在是太好吃了,害我??在是吃得太?太?了。如果平?直述的?,就是 "I was so full last night." 但是呢?如果你把之前?W到的句法活用一下,就?成了,"I was incredibly full last night. I almost died." 效果是不是差很多呢?

  6. He is the smartest scientist I've ever seen on this planet.


  On earth 和 on this planet 是????你想要加?????r非常有用的片?,通常和最高??用。比方?今天我想跟你推?一部吸?m器(vacuumcleaner),我想告?你它不但?力??而且非常?,那?我就可以???地? "This is the most powerful and lightest vacuumcleaner you can get on this planet." 最後加上??? on this planet 用以???全世界你再也找不出第二台像??拥奈?m器了。你看??拥挠梅ㄊ遣皇呛芸幔吭?肀确轿??要表?美????是全世界最有?唷 ×Φ娜耍?胍?蛘l就打?!你就可以?,"The US president is the most powerful man on earth/ on this planet." ??伟桑

  来源:万千英语族 小笨霖 英语

