

Her mother did so, and away she went to the old fortune-teller, who told her to look out of the back door to see what she could see.

She saw nothing the first day, and she saw nothing the second day. But on the third day she looked again, and came back and told the old wife she could see nothing but a great Black Bull coming roaring along the road.

"Well," said the old wife, "that's for you."

When she heard this the poor lass was almost out of her mind with grief and terror. But she was lifted up, set on the Black Bull's back, and away they went.

Long they travelled, and on they travelled, till the lass grew faint with hunger.

"Eat out of my right ear," said the Black Bull, "drink out of my left ear, and set aside your leavings."

She did as he said, and was refreshed.

Long they travelled, and hard they travelled, till they came in sight of a castle.

"That is where we must be this night," said the Bull, "for my brother lives there."

Soon they reached the castle. Servants lifted the lass off the Bull's back, took her in, and sent him into a field for the night.

In the morning, when they brought the Bull to the castle, they took the lass into a fine room and gave her an apple. They told her not to break it open till she was in the greatest danger a mortal could be in, then it would help her.

Again she was lifted on to the Bull's back, and after they had ridden far, and far, and farther than I can tell, they came in sight of another castle, farther away than the last.

"That is where we must be this night," said the Bull, "for my second brother lives there."

Soon they reached the castle. Servants lifted her down, took her in, and sent the Bull to a field for the night.
  • ridden [´ridn] 移动到这儿单词发声 ride 的过去分词 四级词汇
