

In Norroway, long ago, there lived a lady, and she had three daughters. The eldest of them said to her mother:

"Mother, bake me an bannock [oatcake], and roast me a portion, for I'm going away to seek my fortune."

Her mother did so, while her daughter went to an old fortune-teller and asked her what she should do. The fortune-teller told her to look out of the back door to see what she could see.

She saw nothing the first day, and she saw nothing the second day. But on the third day she looked out again and saw a coach and six coming along the road. She ran in and told the fortune-teller.

"Well," said the old wife, "that's for you."

So she stepped into the coach, and off she went.

The second daughter then said to her mother:

"Mother, bake me an bannock, and roast me a portion, for I'm going away to seek my fortune."

Her mother did so, and away she went to the old fortune-teller, just as her sister had done. The fortune-teller told her to look out of the back door to see what she could see. She saw nothing the first day, and she saw nothing the second day, but on the third day she looked out and saw a coach and four coming along the road.

"That's for you," said the old wife. The lass was taken into the coach and off they went. Then the third daughter went to her mother, and said:

"Mother, bake me an bannock, and roast me a portion, for I'm going away to seek my fortune."
