



come to动词+介词

I have to come to grips with this difficult question.(我必须处理这个棘手的问题。)come to grips with表示开始应付难题,挑战等。

Matters have come to a head in the talk with the kidnapper; the police should either provide him with car and money, or shoot at him at considerable risk to the hostage.(与绑匪的谈判到了关键时刻,警方要么给绑匪汽车和钱,要么冒人质生命危险向绑匪开枪。)come to a head表示事情到了必须作出决定的时刻。

I had been lost in thought for so long that it was only when the train whistle blew that I came to myself.(我长时间陷入沉思,火车汽笛鸣叫才使我回过神来。)come to oneself/one's senses表示清醒过来或回过神来。

I doubt if the president's promises will ever come to pass.(我怀疑总裁的诺言能否兑现。)come to pass表示发生,实现。

It's come to a pretty pass when low-income people can earn more from living subside than from work. (当吃低保比干活挣钱还多时,那就糟了。)come to a pretty/such a pass表示事情办坏,情况变糟。这里是指社会的分配政策发生了问题。come to something 意思相同。

The two fighting nations must come to terms with each other.(斗争双方应当达成协议。)come to terms with someone表示与某人达成协议。而come to terms with something则表示要学会面对某一事物,如困难或挫折。如

After years in a hospital bed, Sang Lan came to terms with the injury.(在病床上呆了几年后桑兰学会了面对伤病。)桑兰是原国家女子体操队队员,1998年在纽约市长岛举办的友好运动会上不幸因脊髓严重挫伤而造成瘫痪。在美国治疗期间,以"桑兰微笑"征服了大洋彼岸的人们。

come together动词+副词

The complainant and the defendant have decided to come together at last.(原被告最终同意和解。)这里come together表示停止争议,达成协议。

come under动词+介词

Your suggestion comes under reorganization.(你的建议属于机构改革。)这里come under/within表示列入、划归某一类别。

Chongqing came under bombing again yesterday.(重庆昨天又遭到轰炸。)这里come under表示遭受某事物,成为某事物的目标。

Jiang Qing's speech against Premier Zhou Enlai came under fire from other members of the Political Bureau.(江青反对周总理的讲话遭到其他政治局委员的驳斥。)come under fire表示受到言辞攻击。

come unstuck动词+形容词

United Airlines' grand plans for business in Asia and Europe came unstuck when the oil price went up so much.(油价上涨使美联航关于亚欧业务的计划受挫。)这里come unstuck表示某事遭遇困难或失败,汉语中比较接近的说法是某事不牢靠。

come up动词+副词

I'll let you know if anything comes up.(一有情况就通知你。)这里come up 表示发生什么事情。如果come 用进行时则表示将要发生。如

Harry Potter 3 is coming up next week.(哈里·波特下周上演。)

His name never comes up in our conversation these days.(近来我们的谈话中没有提到他的名字。)这里come up表示在谈话或讨论中被提及。

Simpson's murder case comes up next month.(辛普森谋杀案下月审理。)这里come up 表示某事由法庭审理。辛普森是美国黑人橄榄球运动员,被指控谋杀前妻受到起诉。此案件曾引起黑人群众的大规模抗议活动。
  • defendant [di´fendənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&a.被告(人)(的) 六级词汇

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