



be on动词+介词

Mother has been on that medicine for months, and it doesn't seem to do her any good.(妈妈服那种药好几个月了,似乎一点不见效。)这里be on something表示定期服用某种药物。

The new publicity manager is really on the ball.(新公关经理的确很内行。)be on the ball表示思想敏锐,熟悉情况。

The washing machine is on the blink again.(洗衣机又不灵了。)blink 指灯光闪烁,be/go on the blink表示出故障,因为许多机器出故障后指示灯都会闪动。

Iraq football team were on a cloud after winning the Asian Cup.(伊拉克足球队赢了亚洲杯后兴高采烈。)be on a cloud 表示很高兴,on cloud nine则表示极为高兴。

I've been on edge all day, waiting for that phone call.(我整天心神不定等那个电话。)be on edge表示神经紧张不安,好象坐在刀刃上。

The underworld boss has been on first-name terms with almost all city celebrities: mayor, police chief, judges, coal and oil barons, lawyers and newspaper editors. (黑社会头头几乎和市里的所有名人都有交情,如市长,警察局长,法官,煤炭石油大亨,律师和报纸编辑。)be on first-name terms with someone 表示与某人有称兄道弟的交情。

"Wang," said Domanski, "you must be on guard against making more careless mistakes."(多曼斯基说:王,你要注意不再犯更多无谓的错误。)be on guard表示当心,仔细。

These country roads are hell on tires.(这些乡村公路轮胎吃不消。)be hell on something/someone表示有害于某事物,对某人苛刻。

Wang Jinxi's team are sure hell on wheels when it comes to good hard work-they get twice as much done in a day as any other team in the oil field.(王进喜井队善于打硬仗,一天干的活比油田其他井队多一倍,)be hell on wheels表示做事努力有效。王进喜是中国石油工业最突出的先进人物,被称为铁人。

Why is that boy so hell-bent on a job in the theatre? (为什么那个男孩非要到剧院工作不可?)be hell-bent on something表示毫不懈怠地追求某事。

A tight-lipped man seems to be on the up-and-up.(不开腔的人看起来很老实。)be on the up-and-up表示坦白诚实。

be oneself动词+代词

Don't try to act sophisticated-just be yourself.(不要装深沉,你是怎样就怎样。)这里be oneself表示顺其自然。

be onto动词+介词

Don't think I haven't been onto your little plan for some time.(不要以为我刚才知道你的小算盘。)这里be onto表示发现某个秘密或某人的错误行为。句子意思是一段时间以前就知道了你的秘密。

be out动词+副词

In view of the increased cost, I'm afraid a new car is out this year.(由于价格上涨今年不考虑买新车了。)这里be out表示不可能考虑某事。

The telephones have been out along most of the coast since hurricane Katrina.(卡特里娜飓风过后大部分海岸电话都坏了。)这里be out表示不能正常工作。

Wang Shuo wasn't out for causing trouble, he just didn't think.(王朔不是故意制造麻烦,只是欠考虑。)这里be out for something/to do something表示努力达到某种目的。

Have you any suggestions to make? I'm out of ideas.(你能提点建议吗?我完全没主意了。)这里be out of something表示缺少什么东西。比如be out of one's mind就是缺心眼。犯傻。严重一点就是发疯。

This train will be out of service after next Monday.(下星期一后这趟列车停开。)这里be out of 表示不再处于某种状态。如be out of humor 直译是不再处于好心境,意思就是心情坏。be out of order直译是不再处于正常状态,意思就是坏了。

Your offer is out of the blue, I must have time to think about.(你的建议太出人预料,我必须好好想一想。)be/come out of the blue表示完全没有预料到。
  • winning [´winiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&a.胜利(的) 四级词汇
  • underworld [´ʌndəwə:ld] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.阴间;下层社会 六级词汇
  • hurricane [´hʌrikən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.飓风 四级词汇

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