
    心涛:洋洋,我对自己没信心了!法语学了这么久,还是没进步。    洋洋:心涛,你进步很大啊,上次法语考试不是得了90分吗?    心涛:可是,刚才我在路上碰巧遇到一个法国人。他迷路了,向我问路,我却帮不了他。    洋洋:为什么呢?    心涛:虽然我听懂了他的问题,但我不能表达我想说的。我有一种前所未有的挫败感。如果学习的语言无法在实际生活中运用,那学习语言还有什么意义呢?    洋洋:心涛,如果你现在在法国,那么你这样想没有问题。可是,你现在在中国呀。我们没有很好的语言环境,平时也没有很好的机会用法语,自然不能够得心应手地说法语。千万别灰心,更不要对自己丧失信心。    心涛: 你说得也有道理,除了上法语课,平时我确实很少有机会说法语。    洋洋: 不过呢,我建议你多给自己创造一些说法语的机会。网上有很多交换语伴的人,你可以教他们汉语,向他们学习法语。    心涛:对呀!我怎么没想到这招呢!    洋洋:另外,你可以多去参加法语角,在那里用法语和大家交流沟通,相信不久,你的法语能力就能获得很大的提升。    心涛:洋洋,你真是一语点醒梦中人。我知道该怎么做了。 XinTao: Yang-Yang, I don't have confidence on myself now. I have been studying French for such a long time and I still haven't improved much.
YangYang: Xin-Tao, you have improved greatly. Didn't you score 90 in the last exam?
XT: But, I've just come across a Frenchman on the road that was lost. He asked me for directions. I couldn't help him at all.
YY: Why?
XT: Even though I understood his question, but I couldn't express what I wanted to say. I have never been so frustrated. What's the significance of learning a language if I cannot use it in real life situations?
YY: Xin-Tao, if you were currently in France, then the way you think now is logical. However, you are currently in China. We don't have a proper language environment and don't normally have the chance to speak French. So you cannot speak it fluently. Don't be discouraged and don't lose your confidence.
XT: What you said makes sense. I rarely have the opportunity to speak French outside my French class.
YY: But I suggest that you find more opportunities to speak French. On the Internet, there are a lot of people who want to practice language with each other. You can teach them Chinese while learning French from them.
XT: That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it before?
YY: In addition, you can participate in more French chat rooms where you can use French to communicate with others. In no time, your French will improve tremendously.
XT: YangYang, you are so helpful. I know what I need to do now.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
What difficulties have you encountered while learning Chinese? How did you overcome these difficulties? You can share your Chinese learning experience with us, which will definitely help a lot of people who are currently learning Chinese. Ok, today we will listen to XinTao and YangYang's conversation about learning a second language. Lesson Content: XinTao: Yang-Yang, I don't have confidence on myself now. I have been studying French for such a long time and I still haven't improved much.
YangYang: Xin-Tao, you have improved greatly. Didn't you score 90 in the last exam?
XT: But, I've just come across a Frenchman on the road that was lost. He asked me for directions. I couldn't help him at all.
YY: Why?
XT: Even though I understood his question, but I couldn't express what I wanted to say. I have never been so frustrated. What's the significance of learning a language if I cannot use it in real life situations?
YY: Xin-Tao, if you were currently in France, then the way you think now is logical. However, you are currently in China. We don't have a proper language environment and don't normally have the chance to speak French. So you cannot speak it fluently. Don't be discouraged and don't lose your confidence.
XT: What you said makes sense. I rarely have the opportunity to speak French outside my French class.
YY: But I suggest that you find more opportunities to speak French. On the Internet, there are a lot of people who want to practice language with each other. You can teach them Chinese while learning French from them.
XT: That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it before?
YY: In addition, you can participate in more French chat rooms where you can use French to communicate with others. In no time, your French will improve tremendously.
XT: YangYang, you are so helpful. I know what I need to do now.