
雪梅 Plum blossom


Lú Méipō (Sòng)

Méi xuě zhēng chūn wèi kěn xiáng,
sāo rén gē bǐ fèi píng zhāng.
Méi xū xùn xuě sān fēn bái,
xuě què shū méi yí duàn xiāng.

诗词解析 Analysis


The plum blossom and snowflake both think they are the most beautiful of the early spring, both unyielding in their opinion. Poets, when composing works, find it difficult  to comment on their relativesuperiority or inferiority, seeing no better option than to set down their brush (To be fair), plum blossoms are not as sparkling and crystal-clear as the snowflake, while the latter  is not fragrant as is the plum blossom.


Both the plum blossom and the snowflake are  symbols of the fading winter and approaching spring. Most poets praise both. In this poem, the poet's portrayal of the plum blossom and snowflake – their unyielding ambition for prominence in spring, and his own inability to establish their relativesuperiority – is innovative in its approach.. In the last two lines, the poet cleverly indicates the futility of his endeavor by suggesting the merits and demerits of both: plum blossoms are not as white as snow, while snow is not fragrant as are plum blossoms. By means of such a description, the poet indicates the relative strengths and weaknesses that exist among people. He admonishes us to have a thorough knowledge of ourselves yet also to learn from others, allowing their strengths to compensate for our lack.


降 (xiáng) v. give in

骚人 (sāorén) n. poet

搁 (gē) v. put down

评章 (píngzhāng) n. essay or poem to appraise something

逊 (xùn) a. inferior

为难 (wéinán) v. feel awkward

公道 (gōngdào) a. fair

晶莹 (jīngyíng) a. sparkling

象征(xiàngzhēng) n. symbol

新颖 (xīnyǐng ) a. new and original

自知之明 (zì zhī zhī míng) n. a through knowledge of oneself