
  • 美语训练班第94课
  • A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是小北!

    B: 我是Mike!

    A: 杨琳,你快给我回来主持节目!

    B: That's right! End your vacation and fly back to DC!

    A: 没错,赶快飞回来! 自己在北京探亲渡假,让我在这儿顶班!岂有此理!

    B: Calm down, Xiaobei. You know what they say: the show must go on. Let's go ahead and preview today's show, shall we?

    A: 唉,说得也是。那就来介绍一下节目吧! 今天,我们要听听别人失业之后的心声,谈谈如何开始新人生,还要来学怎么说灰色地带!

    B: But first, let's learn a word!

    Learn A Word impersonator

    今天我们要学的词是 impersonator, impersonator is spelled i-m-p-e-r-s-o-n-a-t-o-r, impersonator. Impersonator 假扮别人的人。The couple was robbed by a police impersonator. 这对夫妇被一个假警察给抢了。The doctor impersonator who scammed pharmacies was arrested. 那个假冒医生,从药房骗钱的人被抓住了。在美国,假冒猫王已经成了一种职业。很多电影里都有这样的场景。A young couple went to Las Vegas and got married by an Elvis impersonator. 年轻恋人跑到拉斯维加斯,由猫王模仿者主持婚礼结婚。Professional Elvis impersonators work all over the world as entertainers. 世界各地都有职业猫王扮演者客串表演。好的,今天我们学习的词是 impersonator, impersonator, impersonator...

    A: Impersonator, 模仿者。那我现在给杨琳代班,Should I be a Yang Lin impersonator? (学嗲声...)

    B: 呃......You can just be your awesome self, Xiaobei.

    A: What do you think Yanglin is doing right now in Beijing?

    B: I bet she's eating 羊肉串儿 all day long, relaxing, hanging out with friends and having a good time.

    A: 同意! 大吃大喝是肯定的了! 不过她那么怕发胖,应该管管自己的嘴。

    B: Yep. She should go easy on all the home-made heavy meals.

    A: 在下面的words and idioms中,我们就来学学这个Go Easy On.

    Words and Idioms Go easy on

    美国习惯用语第 998讲。我是晓北。我是Dan


    Go easy on. Easy is spelled e-a-s-y. Go-easy-on. Go easy on.

    Easy是容易的意思,To go easy on someone or something的意思是温和有耐心地对待某人或某事。如果是我的女儿在钢琴比赛中得了第二名,我绝对不会批评她。I'd go easy on her. 我会和颜悦色地对她。我可不想当个tiger mom,虎妈。在下面的例子里,我们要听听一本介绍美国历史上著名罪犯阿尔•卡彭的书。

    "In this book, Al Capone is almost celebrated as a businessman who makes generous contributions to charities. The author GOES EASY ON his subject. The truth is that Capone was a gangster who made money smuggling illegal alcohol. He also engaged in gambling and prostitution. And let's not forget he had several people murdered!"

    这段话是说: 在这本书中,阿尔•卡彭几乎被歌颂成了一个对慈善事业慷慨解囊的商人。书的作者显然对他所描写的人物心慈手软了。其实,阿尔•卡彭是个黑道人物,靠走私非法酒赚钱,还参与赌博和卖淫。另外,别忘了他手上还有很多条人命呢。


    M: "In this book, Al Capone is almost celebrated as a businessman who makes generous contributions to charities. The author GOES EASY ON his subject. The truth is that Capone was a gangster who made money smuggling illegal alcohol. He also engaged in gambling and prostitution. And let's not forget he had several people murdered!"

    Go easy on something还有一个意思,就是"少量地用某物"。 我们一起去听听下面这个例句。

    "I grew up in Mexico, where the food can be really spicy. When I cook for my American friends, however, I have had to remember that some people prefer milder flavors. I've GONE EASY ON the hot chilies I knew from when I was a boy. I only put a lot of them in a dish when I know my guests appreciate the bolder taste."


    除了口味上的考虑,有时出于健康原因我们也要少吃某种东西。比如,我妈妈的医生就建议她减少钠的摄入量。That's why she's been going easy on the salt when she cooks or eats out. 因此她做饭或者在外面吃的时候都要少吃盐。朋友胃酸过多,So she was advised to go easy on sodas and coffee. 所以医生建议她少喝汽水和咖啡。


    M: "I grew up in Mexico, where the food can be really spicy. When I cook for my friends, however, I have had to remember that some people prefer milder flavors. I've GONE EASY ON the hot chilies I knew from when I was a boy. I only put a lot of them in a dish when I know my guests appreciate the bolder taste."

    今天我们学习的习惯用语是Go easy on, 意思可以是耐心温和地对待某人,或者少用某物。

    A: Mike, 现在还没出蛇年正月,我得给你拜年啊! 过年好!

    B: 恭喜发财! 红包拿来!

    A: 嘿! 就知道红包! 要说过年,也是有人欢喜有人愁。

    B: Why? Chinese New Year should be all about happiness!

    A: 你可不知道,你去亲戚家串门,三姑六婆对你的大拷问,你可招架不住!比如我有个朋友,他刚刚失业了,本来就郁闷,这个春节还不免要把这个坏消息一一告诉亲戚朋友,多烦人啊!

    B: That's right. As if losing a job is not bad enough...Actually in today's Business Etiquette, we will listen to the story of a person who just got fired.

    Business Etiquette Losing a job (I)

    Suzanne 约朋友 Mickey 一起吃午饭。

    Suzanne: Mickey! Good to see you! It's been too long!

    Mickey: Hi, Suzanne! you're right, it has been too long.

    S: Did you find something on the menu that interests you? Sorry I'm late for our lunch. Traffic was horrific.

    M: Yeah....I think I'll have the chicken Caesar salad.

    S: That sounds pretty good.... hey, is everything okay? - You seem kind of down.

    M: I got laid off last Friday.

    S: Oh....I'm so sorry to hear that.

    Suzanne 跟 Mickey 很久没见面,发现 Mickey 心事重重,情绪不高,seem kind of down. Down 在这里是形容词,意思是情绪低落。原来,Mickey 上星期五被炒了鱿鱼,He got laid off. 也可以说,He was let go. 丢了工作,难怪心情沮丧,我们来听听这是为什么。

    They said it had nothing to do with my performance. They just need to try and save on costs. So they're axing a bunch of jobs.
    S: Ouch! Losing a job is such a nasty experience.

    M: Yep....it sure is. I guess I have been a bit depressed.

    S: I remember when I got fired from my job as a seniormanager with a Web design company. I felt awful for weeks. But you know something? Getting fired turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Mickey 被解雇是因为公司要削减开支,所以 they axed a bunch of jobs. Ax is spelled, a-x, 或者 a-x-e, 做为动词,是砍的意思。他丢了工作,心情十分抑郁,depressed. Suzanne 安慰他说,自己也曾有过类似经历,好几个星期缓不过来,但是最后证明,getting fired turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. 被开除是她这辈子最幸运的事。怎么可能,我们继续听。

    M: And why was that?

    S: It gave me a jolt that I really needed. I was just coasting along in my position day in and day out, never really thinking about my life or my career.

    M: So getting fired helped you reflect on these things?

    S: Absolutely! I started asking myself what I really wanted to do.

