B: I used to think I was from the "Big city" growing up. Then I went to Beijing and realized how small my hometown really is!
A: I would say Columbus is a medium sized city. I love growing up in Beijing, there're always so many things going on; you could never ever get bored in Beijing!
B: Yeah, Columbus may not be as big and exciting as Beijing, but there're still tons to do!
A: For example?
B: Well, I mean...you know, there's...there's...Oh we had three horses growing up!
A: 哈哈,actually there are advantages to growing up in small towns as well. 但是这个咱们等会再聊,现在,我们先赶快先来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!
Learn A Word1646 questionable
今天我们要学的词是 questionable, questionable is spelled q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n-a-b-l-e, questionable. Questionable 意思是有问题的,尚未确定的。The quarterback hurt his knee in the first quarter. His return to the game is questionable. 美式足球四分位比赛第一节膝盖受伤,能不能继续比赛,现在还不能确定。
Jill Kelley, the woman who sparked former CIA director Petraeus' scandal, founded a questionablecancercharity with her doctor husband. 美国前中央情报局局长彼得雷乌斯丑闻事件的导火索,一个叫吉尔.凯利的女人,跟自己做医生的丈夫一起开办了一个很有问题的癌症慈善机构。好的,今天我们学习的词是 questionable, questionable, questionable....
B: Maybe I can help you out a bit, and then you should be able to go, right?
A: EXACTLY. Don't worry, there's not a lot to do. Just finish these three scripts and reply to all the fan emails. Oh, also, my yoga ball seems flat; could you inflate it for me as well? Oh, and then could you........
B: (Cutting in) Yanglin...I'm not stupid! You are totally stringing me along!
A: Woops! 被你发现了!开个玩笑嘛!不过呢你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,string someone along, 咱们来听听今天的words and idioms, 看看这个习惯用语怎么用!
M: "It seems like she's happy, but whenever I bring up our future she always changes the subject. I just bought her this diamond necklace and she told me she loved me, but then she said she's busy this weekend. Do you think she's just "STRINGING ME ALONG?"
M: "It seems like she's happy, but whenever I bring up our future she always changes the subject. I just bought her this diamond necklace and she told me she loved me, but then she said she's busy this weekend. Do you think she's just "STRINGING ME ALONG?"
女:这种男人就象是被拴在线上的木偶一样,任人摆布。其实啊,To string someone along 这个习惯用语的就是由此而来的,其历史可以追溯到二十世纪早期。
M: "I love getting all these free lunches and baseball tickets from this salesman. He really thinks I'm going to buy his computer system. I think I might STRING HIM ALONG just a little longer, so I can get tickets to the playoffs─then I'll say we've changed our mind."
M: "I love getting all these free lunches and baseball tickets from this salesman. He really thinks I'm going to buy his computer system. I think I might STRING HIM ALONG just a little longer, so I can get tickets to the playoffs─then I'll say we've changed our mind."
美国人气颇旺的真人秀《幸存者》,要求参赛者不仅要有一个好身体,还要有过人的情商和为人处世的技能,要会拉帮结派,挑拨离间,努力坚持到最后,不被别人挤出去。当然了,他们的策略之一就是要 string other people along, 牵着别人的鼻子走。不过,参赛者蒙蔽对手的手段一定要高超,否则一不小心,也许自己就成了别人蒙蔽的对象。
这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束。我是杨晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。这次节目的制作人是胡小玲。谢谢各位的收听。
M: Until next time.
M: This has been Words and Idioms.
A: Mike, 我问你一个问题,你要老实回答。
B: I always tell the truth!
A: Have you ever strung a girl along? I bet you have!
B: Me? Of course not! A girl actually strung me along when I was in high school, I thought she really liked me but in fact she just wanted me to do her homework for her!
A: That's awful! 可怜的mike,肯定又心灵受伤了...
B: The result is now I am very careful not to string anybody along. You could probably say its part of my identity.
A: Hmm, I don't know about that, but I think eating non-stop is definitely part of your identity. (B: Hey!) 开玩笑开玩笑,不过既然说到了identity,我们就来学学这个词儿的用法!
Learn A Word1647 identity
今天我们要学的词是 identity, identity is spelled i-d-e-n-t-i-t-y, identity. Identity 有个性,个体,个人身份的意思。identity theft 身份盗用。有统计数字显示,As many as 9 million Americans have their identitystolen each year. 美国每年有多达900万人身份被盗。There are about 10,000 identity theft rings in the United States. 美国从事盗取身份的团伙就有大约一万个。为了保证自己的经济安全,Roughly 40 million Americans purchased some sort of identity theft protection service in 2011. 2011年美国大约有四千万人购买了某种形式的防范身份被盗的服务。好的,今天我们学习的词是 identity, identity, identity....
B:Aww, but now you have a lot of friends from both sides, and you are working to introduce American culture to our Chinese audience. It's a great use of your language and cultural skills!
A: Thank you Mike! You are never this sweet to me, 我都不知道说什么了....I'm totally going to pull some strings and help you find a girlfriend!
B: Haha, I mean, who wouldn't love this handsome face? (A: ugh...) Ok ok, you just mentioned a good phrase, "pull strings"! Let's listen to another words and idioms
M: "I think Will' father PULLED A FEW STRINGS to get him in here. Do you know his father' an old friend of the college President? It' so unfair. I mean Will' a nice guy, but he should have to work to get in like everybody else."