
Research In Motion Ltd.'s chief executive gave the first peek at the BlackBerrys he is counting on to stop his company's slide, but drew a tepid response that heightened concerns about whether the company's products can compete with the iPhone.

Research In Motion Ltd.(简称:RIM)的首席执行长首次透露出他指望用于挽回颓势的黑莓(BlackBerry)手机的一些消息,然而外界反响平淡,使人更加担心该公司的产品能不能与iPhone相竞争。

RIM has promised to deliver the next-generation BlackBerrys sometime later this year -- a complicatedproject because they will run on a new operating system. CEO Thorsten Heins didn't show the actual phones Tuesday or even specify a date for their release, but he did give away thousands of prototypes to software developers at the company's annualconference here.

RIM曾经承诺在今年年内的某个时机推出新一代黑莓手机──这是一项复杂的工程,因为新手机将搭载新的操作系统。该公司的首席执行长海因斯(Thorsten Heins)周二没有展示真机,也没有明确说明发布日期。但在RIM于佛罗里达州奥兰多举办的年会上,他向软件开发商赠送了数千部原型机。

RIM is hoping to heat up developers' lukewarm embrace of the operating system that will power the new phone. Mr. Heins, however, seemed to struggle at times to rally his audience. Applause was tepid as he walked through a few features on the prototype. Other features, including predictive touch-screen typing features and a camera tool that allows users to select photos taken split-seconds apart to edit pictures, drew a heartier response.


While some analysts said the prototype looked like it held promise, many investors were disappointed with the lack of details from the company about the actual phone -- including a specificlaunch date.


RIM shares fell 5.7% Tuesday, amid a broader market rally. The stock finished down 82 cents at $13.48, leaving RIM with a market value of $7 billion.


RIM popularized mobile email but failed to keep up with the move to touchscreen phones and mobile Internet use. Now its market position is eroding. Research firm comScore said Tuesday that RIM's share of the U.S. smartphone market fell to 12.3% at the end of March, down from 16% just three months earlier.


That left it a distant third behind devices powered by Google Inc.'s Android software, at 51%, and Apple Inc.'s iPhone, at 30.7%, both of which gained ground.

黑莓手机的市场份额远远落后于搭载谷歌(Google Inc.)的安卓(Android)操作系统的手机(份额为51%)和苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone(份额为30.7%),屈居第三。谷歌和苹果手机的份额都在扩大。

The BlackBerry prototype unveiled Tuesday, which RIM executives said may or may not resemble the real phones, looked similar to products some of RIM's biggest competitors are already churning out. For instance, it sported a touch-screen-only interface, instead of the thumbs-friendly keyboard on most BlackBerrys. (RIM didn't rule out that the real phone would have a keyboard.)


RIM said the prototypes would give developers the basic tools and feel of the new device to allow them to design for the platform.


'It's about giving developers what they need to prepare for the launch of BlackBerry 10,' said Chris Smith, a RIM vice president. 'The phone is not intended to be representative of what the final BB10 products will be like, but it is a sneak peek into what the guiding properties will be.'

RIM副总裁史密斯(Chris Smith)说,这是为了让开发人员能够为黑莓10的推出做好必要的准备。他说,这款原型机并不代表黑莓10的最终设计,但可以让大家一窥其主要功能。

The new device will run off a new operating system, called BlackBerry 10, a version of which already powers RIM's PlayBook tablet. Apps developers have so far failed to rally around the new OS, a concern given that consumers now factor the broader ecosystem of games, applications and media into their decisions about which phones to buy and keep.

新机将搭载"黑莓10"操作系统。黑莓推出的一款RIM PlayBook平板电脑已经搭载了黑莓10操作系统。截至目前,应用程序开发人员对为这一新的操作系统开发应用热情还不是很高,鉴于目前消费者在购买及升级手机时常常会考虑游戏、应用程序和媒体等整体生态环境,黑莓10的这一问题值得担忧。

A recent survey by Appcelerator and research firm IDC found that only 16% of developers were 'very interested' in developing apps for BlackBerry products, compared with 89% for the iPhone and 79% for the Android operating system.


Underscoring the importance RIM puts in getting more developers behind BlackBerry 10, RIM said Tuesday it would essentiallyguarantee developers they would make at least $10,000 on any app BlackBerry licenses. It promised to pay developers the difference if they didn't make at least that amount on any apps that make an initial $1,000.


Reactions to the prototype Tuesday were mixed. Some analysts were disappointed the device didn't preview more features. But many existing RIM customers and partners -- along with some outside analysts -- said they were enthusiastic.


RIM's share price has tumbled amid falling sales, a number of product delays, the poor debut of its PlayBook tablet early last year and operational blunders.


Mr. Heins, who took over earlier this year, has committed to seeing the BlackBerry 10 launch through, though he has also said that he is considering a wide range of strategic options.


Will Connors

Will Connors