
Research In Motion Ltd. RIMM +0.44% announced a series of high level departures, including former chief executive Jim Balsillie's resignation from the board, as the BlackBerry maker reported a $125 million loss in the fiscal fourth quarter.

黑莓(BlackBerry)手机生产商Research In Motion Ltd.公司(简称RIM)报告第四财季亏损1.25亿美元,同时宣布多位高层离职,其中包括前首席执行长鲍尔西利(Jim Balsillie)辞去董事会职务。

RIM said the Waterloo, Ontario, company achieved a record 77 million BlackBerry subscribers world-wide, but another quarter of falling shipments of the device underscored the challenges still ahead. In a statement accompanying results, CEO Thorsten Heins said he would take a 'broad strategic review of opportunities, including partnerships and joint ventures, licensing, and other ways to leverage RIM's assets and maximize value for our stakeholders.'

总部位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市的RIM表示,全世界黑莓用户达到了创纪录的7,700万,但第四财季的出货量再次下降凸显了公司仍将面临的挑战。在伴随业绩报告发表的声明中,首席执行长海因斯(Thorsten Heins)表示他将对各种机会展开"全面的战略评估",这些机会包括"合作关系和合资企业,授权,以及利用RIM资产为我们股东创造最大价值的其他方式"。

In the past, he has signaled he wasn't interested in selling the company. And RIM's statement mirrored previous comments about seeking out partnerships.


In a conference call after the earnings announcement, Mr. Heins acknowledged deep problems, but he also said the best way to deliver value to shareholders is to turn the company around, suggesting he still wasn't ready to entertain a sale of the company.


'It is now very clear to me that substantial change is what RIM needs,' he said in the call. Still, he added later in the call, that he and his team 'truly believe the best path for RIM is to manage the turnaround.'


Investors immediately sold off RIM shares in after-hours trading, with the stock falling as much as 9% immediately after trading was resumed. But within an hour, the stock recouped almost much of its losses. In late New York trading, RIM was down 1.9% at $13.47.


Mr. Heins has said his turnaround plan hinges on a successful rollout this year of RIM's next-generation smartphone, the BlackBerry 10. He said Thursday that roll-out was still on track for later this year.

海因斯曾表示他的翻身计划将取决于RIM今年推出新一代智能手机BlackBerry 10能否获得成功。他在周四说,BlackBerry 10仍然安排在今年晚些时候推出。

RIM said it would no longer provide earningsguidance 'due to a desire to focus on long term value creation.'


Analysts had expected another rough quarter, as RIM struggles with falling BlackBerry sales and a costly and so-far unsuccessful entry into the tablet market. But the high-level departures were a surprise.


RIM said its chief operating officer, Jim Rowan, and its chief technology officer, David Yach, would be leaving the company.

RIM说,首席运营长罗恩(Jim Rowan)及首席技术长亚奇(David Yach)将离开公司。

Mr. Heins said the company is looking for replacements for the two departing senior executives. He has also pledged to appoint a high-powered chief marketing officer. He said Thursday that search was 'going well.'


RIM reported a net loss of $125 million, or 24 cents a share, in the quarter ended March 3. That's down from net income of $934 million, or $1.78 a share, in the year-earlier period. RIM said it would take a non-cash, goodwillcharge of $355 million and a $267 million inventory impairment related to its latest line of BlackBerrys.


Revenue was $4.19 billion, down about 25% from $5.56 billion in the same period last year. Adjusted earnings per share, which excludes one-time gains or losses including the good-will impairment, was 80 cents, below a consensus forecast of 81 cents a share, compiled by Thomson Reuters.

收入为41.9亿美元,较上年同期55.6亿美元下降约25%。剔除商誉减损等一次性盈亏之后的每股利润为80美分,低于汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)调查得出的普遍预期值每股81美分。

RIM said it shipped just 11.1 million BlackBerrys in the quarter, down 21% from the previous quarter. After heavily discounting its PlayBook tablet, and taking a nearly half-billion dollar chargerelated to inventory build-up of the device last year, RIM said it had sold 500,000 units.


That's the best quarter for the tablet since the first three-month period immediately after its debut.
