
A lot of people have asked me whether I still 'tiger mom' my older daughter, Sophia, now that she's in college. Do I block sleepovers from afar, drill her on schoolwork remotely, monitor piano practice by Skype and make sure that she never watches TV or plays computer games?


Actually, it's just the opposite. My husband and I are probably the most hands-off college parents we know. We never ask Sophia what she's going to major in or what she does at night, and we accidentally forgot about parents' weekend. When we got a few stressed text messages from her about finals, we told her to relax, do what she always does, and she'd be fine. And she was.


Here's the key to tiger parenting, which a lot of people miss: It's really only about very early child-rearing, and it's most effective when your kids are between the ages of, say, 5 and 12. When practiced correctly, tiger parenting can produce kids who are more daring and self-reliant, not less.


Tiger parenting is often confused with helicopter parenting, but they could not be more different. In fact, the former eliminates the need for the latter. At its core, tiger parenting
