
Researchers at Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum say they have "discovered" a work by Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh - long thought to have been a self-portrait - was in fact a picture of his younger brother Theo.
"According to current opinion, Vincent van Gogh never painted his brother Theo, on whom he was dependent," the Van Gogh Museum said.
But senior researcher Louis van Tilborgh now believed the 1887 painting of a man wearing a light-coloured hat and a dark blue jacket was in fact Van Gogh's brother Theo, Vincent's junior by five years.
"The conclusion is based on a number of obvious differences between the two brothers," said the museum, pointing out dissimilar features including the neatness of the subject's beard and his round-shaped ear, "something Vincent did not have".
The colour of Theo's beard, more ochre than red, is also an indication.




"得出此结论的根据是俩兄弟间存在的种种明显差异," 博物馆方面表示,指出了其中的差异提及的差异,包括西奥整洁的胡子、圆形的耳廓,"而这些梵高都没有。"
