
The crowdedtablet market now offers a number of devices in various weights, screen sizes and operating systems. But are there any tablets built to withstand tough treatment from kids?


This week, I tested a tablet aimed at ages 4 through 9: the $100 LeapPad Explorer from LeapFrog Enterprises Inc., a company known for its educational children's toys. This tablet, which is available in green or pink, has a built-in microphone, camera, video recorder and kid-size stylus for writing and drawing on its five-inch touch screen (a finger also works).

我曾试用了一款由知名的儿童益智玩具生产商LeapFrog Enterprises Inc.为4岁至9岁孩子设计的售价100美元的LeapPad Explorer平板电脑。这款平板电脑有绿色和粉色两种颜色,装有内置麦克风、摄像头、摄录机和大小适合孩子使用的手写笔,用来在5英寸的触摸屏上写字和画画(用手指亦可)。

It was designed with tough plastics, a sheet of Mylar over its glass screen and an extra metal frame around the screen to withstandphysical abuse. This tablet can be used for reading e-books, playing games and running through digital flashcards.


The LeapPad Explorer is the latest in LeapFrog's gadget lineup, which started with the original LeapPad educational toy in the late 1990s and more recently continued with the Leapster Explorer hand-held game in July 2010.

LeapPad Explorer是LeapFrog公司推出的最新产品。该公司自上世纪90年代末期开始生产原创LeapPad益智玩具,并于2010年7月生产了Leapster Explorer手持式游戏机。

The Explorer tablet for kids works with over 40 downloadable apps and has a topside slot for running older game cartridges. A spokeswoman said the company expects to offer more than 70 apps by the end of this year, and has no plans to stop selling cartridges. Cartridges cost $25 each and downloadable activities -- including games, apps, flash cards, videos and eBooks -- range from $5 to $20 each.


While using the LeapPad Explorer, I discovered plenty of features that would appeal to young kids like fun sounds, on-screen graphics and a sense of accomplishment while progressing through books, games and activities.

在试用LeapPad Explorer的过程中,我发现它有很多能够吸引年纪较小的孩子的特色,例如好玩的音效、屏幕上显示的图形和在读书、游戏、活动中取得进步时的成就感。

The main appeal of the LeapFrog products is the company's focus on personalized education. When children set up the Explorer, they enter their grades, ranging from prekindergarten to sixth grade. The device's activities then automatically tune to a child's capabilities. This means that if a third-grader is performing at a higher level than is expected for that age, the Explorer adjusts to a slightly higher level, and the child is notified and congratulated. However, if a child is progressing at a lower level, the system adjusts to a slightly lower level without notifying the child.


A feature called the LeapFrog Learning Path lets parents digitally track their child's progress. Whenever the Explorer is plugged into a computer, details about the child's time on the device are transferred to the PC so a parent knows how the child is performing and can get tips on how to help the child improve.


The activities address spelling, phonics, math, creativity, science, music and geography. And because of LeapFrog's partnership with Disney-Pixar, kids will likely recognize characters from movies in the Explorer's games and books.


My favorite app was the Ultra eBook, 'Cars 2: Project Undercover.' LeapFrog's ultra eBooks are like eBooks on steroids. They let kids record themselves reading an entire book and play it back. They're animated and have six built-in comprehension activities and three games. They offer stories written at three text levels and they use a visual dictionary for vocabulary development. 'Cars 2: Project Undercover' is the only Ultra eBook currently available, but LeapFrog plans to add six more to its app store before the end of the year.

我最喜爱的程序是超级电子书(Ultra eBook)"汽车总动员2:卧底计划"(Cars 2: Project Undercover)。顾名思义,LeapFrog的超级电子书就是经过功能强化的电子书。孩子们可以录下自己读整本书的声音,然后再回放。电子书里面有动画,并且内置了6种综合功能和3种游戏。电子书中的故事按照三种不同文本水平撰写,并且使用了可视化辞典,能够帮孩子们扩大词汇量。目前,仅有"汽车总动员2:卧底计划"这一款电子书可供阅读。不过,LeapFrog已经计划在年底前再增加6种电子书。

LeapFrog designed the Explorer tablet with certain features that keep its cost down, and some also solve child-safety concerns. For instance, the Explorer lacks a wireless connection, so kids can't get online without plugging the tablet into a Windows PC or Mac. Downloading apps also requires a parent's password.


Another example is that the LeapPad Explorer runs on four AA batteries rather than the rechargeable lithium ion batteries found in most regular tablets.

另一个特色是LeapPad Explorer用4节AA电池驱动,不像多数普通平板电脑那样使用可充电锂离子电池。LeapFrog的发言人称,这么做可以压低成本,另外一方面考虑是,锂离子电池可能发生泄露,用在儿童玩具上不够安全。孩子们可以用10美元一只的交直流适配器给Explorer供电。

LeapFrog's spokeswoman said this keeps the cost low and noted that Li-Ion batteries can leak, making them unsafe for kids' toys. Kids can plug the Explorer into the wall with a $10 AC adapter.


The Explorer is a far cry from popular tablets. The device's one-inch thickness makes it chunkier than most grown-uptablets and its screen is of a lower quality than that of iPads and Android tablets. Its built-in camera has resolution of less than one megapixel. I found the tablet's response time to be a bit sluggish, but doubt most kids under 9 would.

每一台Explorer平板电脑都带有3个下载好的程序和1个从LeapFrog Connect应用程序商店自己选择的免费程序(电子书、游戏或视频)。只要用UBS线将平板电脑与其他PC机连在一起,就可以用电脑来下载这些程序。事先下载好的程序包括一个宠物游戏,给孩子们一只宠物让他们照顾;一个故事工作室,让孩子们用图片、画外音和自己画的画来编故事;一个绘画工作室,用不同颜色和图章图像进行绘画。

Each Explorer tablet comes loaded with three apps and a free app of choice (eBook, game or video) from the LeapFrog Connect app store, accessible via computer once the tablet is plugged in via USB cord. Preloaded apps include a pet game, which gives kids a pet to care for, Story Studio for creating stories with photos, voice-overs and art, and Art Studio for drawing and painting with various colors and stamped images.

尽管与普通的平板电脑相比LeapPad Explorer看起来要笨拙一些,但它的功能对孩子们来说已经足够了。随着时间的推移,可以用它来下载更多的程序,对家长来说,这不失为一项明智的投资。

Though the LeapPad Explorer looks a bit chubby compared with regular tablets, its features will be adequate for kids. Its ability to grow over time with more downloaded apps makes it a smart investment for parents.

Katherine Boehret

Katherine Boehret