
in the cavern, had not accompanied the party, and consequently

was in blissful ignorance of the fate that threatened his vessel.

"A good thing the old fellow wasn't there to see," observed Ben Zoof;

"he would have screamed like a peacock. What a misfortune it is,"

he added, speaking to himself, "to have a peacock's voice,

without its plumage!"

During the months of July and August, Gallia advanced 164,000,000

leagues along her orbit. At night the cold was still intense,

but in the daytime the sun, here full upon the equator,

caused an appreciable difference of 20 degrees in the temperature.

Like birds, the population spent whole days exposed to its

grateful warmth, rarely returning till nightfall to the shade

of their gloomy home.

This spring-time, if such it may be called, had a most enlivening

influence upon all. Hope and courage revived as day by day

the sun's disc expanded in the heavens, and every evening

the earth assumed a greater magnitudeamongst the fixed stars.

It was distant yet, but the goal was cheeringly in view.

"I can't believe that yonder little speck of light contains my mountain

of Montmartre," said Ben Zoof, one night, after he had been gazing long

and steadily at the far-off world.

"You will, I hope, some day find out that it does," answered his master.

"I hope so," said the orderly, without moving his eye from

the distant sphere. After meditating a while, he spoke again.

"I suppose Professor Rosette couldn't make his comet go

straight back, could he?"

"Hush!" cried Servadac.

Ben Zoof understood the correction.

"No," continued the captain; "it is not for man to disturb the order

of the universe. That belongs to a Higher Power than ours!"



Another month passed away, and it was now September, but it was

still impossible to leave the warmth of the subterranean retreat

for the more airy and commodious quarters of the Hive, where "the bees"

would certainly have been frozen to death in their cells.

It was altogether quite as much a matter of congratulation as of

regret that the volcano showed no symptoms of resuming its activity;

for although a return of the eruption might have rendered their

former resort again habitable, any sudden outbreak would have been

disastrous to them where they were, the crater being the sole outlet

by which the burning lava could escape.

"A wretched time we have had for the last seven months,"

said the orderly one day to his master; "but what a comfort

little Nina has been to us all!"

"Yes, indeed," replied Servadac; "she is a charming little creature.

I hardly know how we should have got on without her."

"What is to become of her when we arrive back at the earth?"

"Not much fear, Ben Zoof, but that she will be well taken care of.

Perhaps you and I had better adopt her."

"Ay, yes," assented the orderly. "You can be her father,

and I can be her mother."

Servadac laughed. "Then you and I shall be man and wife."

"We have been as good as that for a long time," observed Ben Zoof, gravely.

By the beginning of October, the temperature had so far moderated that it

could scarcely be said to be intolerable. The comet's distance was

scarcely three times as great from the sun as the earth from the sun,

so that the thermometerrarely sunk beyond 35 degrees below zero.

The whole party began to make almost daily visits to the Hive, and frequently

proceeded to the shore, where they resumed their skating exercise,

rejoicing in their recovered freedom like prisoners liberated from a dungeon.

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