
escaped his lips, as though he were dreaming that his claim

to the discovery of the comet was being contested or denied;

but although his attendant was on the alert to gather all he could,

he was able to catch nothing in the incoherent sentences

that served to throw any real light upon the problem that they

were all eager to solve.

When the sun reappeared on the westernhorizon the professor

was still sound asleep; and Ben Zoof, who was especially

anxious that the repose which promised to be so beneficial

should not be disturbed, felt considerableannoyance at hearing

a loud knocking, evidently of some blunt heavy instrument against

a door that had been placed at the entrance of the gallery,

more for the purpose of retaining internalwarmth than for guarding

against intrusion from without.

"Confound it!" said Ben Zoof. "I must put a stop to this;"

and he made his way towards the door.

"Who's there?" he cried, in no very amiable tone.

"I." replied the quavering voice.

"Who are you?"

"Isaac Hakkabut. Let me in; do, please, let me in."

"Oh, it is you, old Ashtaroth, is it? What do you want?

Can't you get anybody to buy your stuffs?"

"Nobody will pay me a proper price."

"Well, old Shimei, you won't find a customer here.

You had better be off."

"No; but do, please--do, please, let me in," supplicated the Jew. "I want

to speak to his Excellency, the governor."

"The governor is in bed, and asleep."

"I can wait until he awakes."

"Then wait where you are."

And with this inhospitable rejoinder the orderly was about to

return to his place at the side of his patient, when Servadac,

who had been roused by the sound of voices, called out,

"What's the matter, Ben Zoof?"

"Oh, nothing, sir; only that hound of a Hakkabut says he wants

to speak to you."

"Let him in, then."

Ben Zoof hesitated.

"Let him in, I say," repeated the captain, peremptorily.

However reluctantly, Ben Zoof obeyed. The door was unfastened,

and Isaac Hakkabut, enveloped in an old overcoat, shuffled into the gallery.

In a few moments Servadac approached, and the Jew began to overwhelm

him with the most obsequious epithets. Without vouchsafing any reply,

the captain beckoned to the old man to follow him, and leading

the way to the central hall, stopped, and turning so as to look

him steadily in the face, said, "Now is your opportunity.

Tell me what you want."

"Oh, my lord, my lord," whined Isaac, "you must have some news

to tell me."

"News? What do you mean?"

"From my little tartan yonder, I saw the yawl go out from the rock

here on a journey, and I saw it come back, and it brought a stranger;

and I thought--I thought--I thought--"

"Well, you thought--what did you think?"

"Why, that perhaps the stranger had come from the northern shores

of the Mediterranean, and that I might ask him--"

He paused again, and gave a glance at the captain.

"Ask him what? Speak out, man?"

"Ask him if he brings any tidings of Europe," Hakkabut blurted

out at last.

Servadac shrugged his shoulders in contempt and turned away.

Here was a man who had been resident three months in Gallia,

a living witness of all the abnormalphenomena that had occurred,

and yet refusing to believe that his hope of making good bargains with

European traders was at an end. Surely nothing, thought the captain,

will convince the old rascal now; and he moved off in disgust.

The orderly, however, who had listened with much amusement,

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